Import event from iCal?

Is there any way to quickly turn an iCal event into an OF 2 Action?

I’d love to be able to drag an item from iCal into the OF InBox and have it create an action. Or, even better, make it a Service, so I could right click on an iCal event and select a menu choice that sends it to OF2.

I’m not an AppleScript writer, but is there a way to do this with Automator?

I’d quite like this too.

At least the ability to drag or copy/paste from a calendar item in forecast mode to a task with the same name/due.

I know, I know - some things belong in the calendar.

But often I’ll see something in the calendar and think Hmm, there are several things I need to do to be ready for that, so I have to create a matching task then create my subtasks.

Kicking this off by just dragging the forecast iCal item up to the forecast task area would be great.

Right. But every day I take the current day’s events from iCal and add them to my “Out” context, so when I look at the “Out” perspective, I see appointments along with errands and other things that involve being out in the world. It’s a lot more efficient for me than keeping “non-appointment actions” in OF, and “appointment actions” in iCal.

Hi, I’m new to the Omni products and new also to beta testing. I was wondering, the FORECAST perspective already lists the iCal events from calendars from within iCal. The need for applescript or automator might not be necessary if a option button to ‘Add to Inbox’ could be added next to the ‘View in Calendar’ on the info display. The events are already there for viewing. Not sure if this makes sense or if this is the place to bring this idea.

I’m not sure what all your “Out” perspective covers, but what about making all the relevant actions due today and then publishing them to iCal? Then iCal’s today view becomes your base of operations for everything for today (appointments and non-appointments). This is (kinda) part of my workflow.

Of course, this only covers due items and not flagged or anything else (similarly, Forecast only adds due items to its timeline). And iCal’s view can get pretty cluttered pretty quickly, with no hierarchy etc etc. Admittedly it only works for me for errands, one or two super-critical things or a light-work day. It does not help me when I have a lot of things due. iCal is definitely the “at a glance” part of my workflow.