Inbox items only for unassigned?

A while back I had used some other GTD-style app for managing tasks/projects/contexts. It was set up where you “dump” into the inbox, then once you assigned it to a context, it disappeared from the inbox (because it shifted to the context instead). I guess ultimately you want the inbox empty because tasks are assigned to contexts and/or projects.

Doesn’t appear that works in OmniFocus. Am I right? Is that something I am simply missing, or can it be customized that way?

In the preferences setting, you can control this:

You can tell OmniFocus to clean up inbox items which have:

A Project
A Context
Both a Project and a Context
Either a Project or a Context

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Oh wow, that was simple…thank you!
I stopped using OF because I didn’t know how, but keep wanting to use this. Really appreciate the pointer.