Inbox sorting on iOS in Omnifocus 4 [Solved with custom perspective]

It’s driving me nuts to be adding things to the inbox in Omnifocus 4, to then find them being driven to the bottom of a list. Is there a way to keep latest on top ? Or do we have to create a custom perspective ?

I’ll be replying to self here… had to create a Parallel inbox perspective called Inbox-Sorted with an Organized structure by individual actions grouped and sorted by ‘added’. Problem closed.

You‘re not the first complaining about that. Creating an Omni automation dealing with the order of items was always something I avoided. But now I took the time to have a look at that.
The following plugin sorts all root items by their added date. This means the top actions and action groups. Not what‘s within the any action group!

You could set a keyboard shortcut to it and call it from time to time. There’s also the option to trigger it by time (ask if you need that, but it‘s linked to Apple Shortcuts). It should work from any perspective in OF, but only sorts the Inbox.

SortInboxAdded.omnifocusjs (811 Bytes)