It’s driving me nuts to be adding things to the inbox in Omnifocus 4, to then find them being driven to the bottom of a list. Is there a way to keep latest on top ? Or do we have to create a custom perspective ?
I’ll be replying to self here… had to create a Parallel inbox perspective called Inbox-Sorted with an Organized structure by individual actions grouped and sorted by ‘added’. Problem closed.
You‘re not the first complaining about that. Creating an Omni automation dealing with the order of items was always something I avoided. But now I took the time to have a look at that.
The following plugin sorts all root items by their added date. This means the top actions and action groups. Not what‘s within the any action group!
You could set a keyboard shortcut to it and call it from time to time. There’s also the option to trigger it by time (ask if you need that, but it‘s linked to Apple Shortcuts). It should work from any perspective in OF, but only sorts the Inbox.
SortInboxAdded.omnifocusjs (811 Bytes)
And would it be possible to reverse sort such as to have the most recent on top ? As the 1st item ? And what is the way to run the plugin from within OF ? Do we need to do a select all first ?
Just run it. No selection needed. Here‘s the reverse version. Latest added to the top.
SortInboxAddedReverse.omnifocusjs (860 Bytes)
Awesome. I will have to study the Javascript code. Did you motify it or was it Joachim ? Last, I have found that the way to make it possible to run the plugin, you need to enable the developer mode, then click the triple dots at the top (on ios) then, click OmniAutomation, then click on the Plug icon ‘Sort Inbox Added Reverse’. Omnifocus has to be the only to do list software where the latest entry is not on top but at the very bottom. I guess Omnifocus users are really practicing inbox zero and have little to no items into their inboxes ;-)
is the keyboard shortcut only fo Mac or its also possible on iOS ?
Regarding the code. It‘s not that complex. It gets all inbox root items using ‚inbox‘, checks if there are more than 1 (else no sorting), performs a sorting of the item array using the added date. Then moves the sorted tasks (which are all) to the beginning of the inbox.
Someone once said you should always sign your work. That‘s what I did. The sorting is in principle based on @Sal‘s work from the Omni Automation page. I just switched it to using added dates.
OF on iOS and iPadOS (don‘t have a Mac) has a ‚Manage Plug-Ins‘ command that allows you to assign a keyboard shortcut to any of your plugins.