Inherited Tags OF

Actions will inherit tags from a project or from another action (assuming the action is a parent).

Is there a way to turn this feature off?

Many have asked, but unfortunately no.
At least I’ve never found the option, and believe I looked.
I don’t tag projects because of this.

I cannot find either. But there are many things I learn all the time about OF. Thanks for confirmation.

As noted, if a project has a tag (or tags), they’re automatically applied to actions added to this project. I find that this can be very handy in some cases.

For example, I have a single action list called “Household” that has a “home” tag. If I’m processing my inbox and see an actions such as “Unplug shower drain”, I can simply assign it to the Household project and have the “home” tag applied automatically.

If, however, I have an action of “buy filter for furnace” sitting in my inbox which is an errand (i.e. not something that I would do when physically at home), I would assign it to a the Household project and add an “errand” tag. The “home” tag isn’t applied in this case; it seems that OmniFocus only applies the project’s tag if no other tags are specified.


Came in today to ask this question, very irritating that it does this with no way to change the behaviour. It would be so useful to be able to tag projects. I tried using tags to tell me that a project had support material in Devonthink, or that there’s a company wide Asana project I might need to refer to. But having it inherit the tag means that I have to manually delete a tag or two every single time I make a new task. That’s too tedious to bother with.

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Good to know. I would like to get some appropriate tasks managers when I came to my first job. Through the years in the most loaded and difficult industry (betting) I really need something to track my goals. I tried different services like asana, click up, and the Eisenhower Matrix. But I couldn’t do anything about it. So, my friend who is working with William Hill recommends using this app. I am really grateful that finally, I got the best product. And, it’s you.

Good to know. I would like to get some appropriate tasks managers when I came to my first job. Through the years in the most loaded and difficult industry (betting) I really need something to track my goals. I tried different services like asana, click up, and the Eisenhower Matrix. But I couldn’t do anything about it. So, my friend who is working with William Hill recommends using this app. I am really grateful that finally, I got the best product. And, it’s you.

I think that you chose the wrong topic, buddy.

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