iOS Siri: Untimed to-dos in OmniFocus, timed to-dos in Alarmed. Hope to distinguish?

Context: I only use OmniFocus on the iPhone.

I use OmniFocus for untimed to-dos: for things that need to be done AROUND a certain day or time, but not precisely. I use Alarmed for timed to-dos: for things that need to be done precisely at a certain time.

When I tell Siri “remind me tomorrow to take out the trash,” I want that to be taken in by OmniFocus. when I tell Siri “remind me at 5:30 PM tomorrow to take out the trash,” I want that to be taken in by Alarmed.

Currently, no matter what I do, it’s taken in by the app I happen to use next. Neither distinguishes at all.

I think I’m misunderstanding how Siri should be used. How can I have Siri make some to-dos only for OmniFocus and others only for Alarmed?


I suspect that when you tell Siri to add an action, it’s adding it to reminders.

When you activate OF or Alarmed, it checks reminders, imports the action from reminders and marks it as read.

You can either

  1. have a named List for each app in Reminders

Hey Siri, add “Take out the trash” to my Omni list
Hey Siri, add “take out the trash at 5:30 tomorrow to my alarmed list

You may need to play around with this as using an app name may confuse Siri

  1. You need to tell Siri which app you want to add the item to.


Hey Siri, add to Omnifocus Take out the trash tomorrow
Hey Siri, add to Alarmed take the trash out at 5:30 pm tomorrow

This depends on each app using the Siri Intents.

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Excellent. Thanks so much for this. I’ll give it a try.

I’m just seeing this now, on June 16.