Is there a way to set a single task to be reviewed?

For a task that is not part of a project, I’m trying to use “single tasks” project to group them together. I can set a review for the grouping of all of them, but not each individually separate single task.

I hope you understand what I’m trying to ask here :)



There isn’t a way to review individual actions using OmniFocus’ Review feature. As it stands, you can only review projects.

The approach I take is to review every action in a project when I review the project. If this project (or single action list) gets too large, I either organize it into action groups to make it easier to work with or split it into multiple, more specific projects.

I hope this helps!


Thank you Tim. That’s what I figured. I’ll do exactly that, I will set that single action list for review weekly during my weekly review.

By the way, thank you for all your wonderful tips on Mac Sparkys video group this past weekend.

Thank you Tim. That’s what I figured. I’ll do exactly that, I will set that single action list for review weekly during my weekly review.

You’re very welcome, @tjh.

On a side note, I used to review each of my projects and single action lists weekly, but found this got pretty tedious. I now review projects and single action lists as they become available and make a point of clearing the Review perspective by the end of each day. I also adjust the review frequency as it makes sense. There are some projects/lists that I don’t need to review weekly and others that I review more than once a week.

During my weekly review, I use a Projects - Active perspective to see a list of all of my active projects (not including single action lists). This helps me gauge my current commitment level and is useful for making sure that I have enough time set aside to do what needs to be done.

By the way, thank you for all your wonderful tips on Mac Sparkys video group this past weekend.

You’re very welcome. I was honoured to be invited to be a guest on David Sparks’ Shortcuts for Mac webinar series and had fun preparing for and delivering my presentation.


You could just create a separate task ‘Weekly review of Task X’ that repeats on a weekly basis, and not use the OF built-in review for the project that houses Task X …

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