Is this forum software going to replace current Omni forums?

Just wondering if this is a trial run for replacing the main forum.

It seems pretty good so far and feels much more modern.

Can old posts be imported or will they have to stay locked in the old forum?


I love these new forums, and I hope they will become the norm.

I’m glad to hear that customers are liking these forums as much as we are!

Yes, we’re hoping to replace our VBulletin forum with Discourse in the near future. It’s not likely that we’ll move the content from the old forums over, but we would like to make sure it’s still available for browsing. We’d like also like to capture as much of the helpful technical stuff as possible and incorporate it into our support site where it can be maintained by our Support Humans and more easily kept up to date.


well, i like the interface - very refreshing. but i have to say i find navigation a bit confusing. replies don’t seem to appear directly beneath the posts they refer to, and the constant moving of posts by moderators to new threads leaves my head spinning a bit.

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I’m not sure what to tell you about that one; we’re pretty committed to making sure threads stay on topic, especially at this important early stage.

thanks for your reply dave - i guess i’m still getting used to it - and i do take your point about keeping a close eye on things being on topic.