I found what I believe is a bug/issue with repeating events + deferred dates.
I have a recurring task to remind me to clean something in our house every 3 days. The last time this went off was Christmas Day (12/25), and I said “nah” and deferred it 1 day, to 12/26. The event fell off my custom perspective as intended, and came back the following morning (12/26) for me to check off. Cool, everything’s great.
Now, the issue. As I expected, the task’s next date was set for today, 12/29, and I did get pinged for it. However, it wasn’t showing up anywhere in my perspective. Upon investigation, it’s because:
- My perspective is set up to not show items that are due but have a deferred date, because I want them to stay hidden until I’ve indicated being ready to deal with them.
- The task retained its “Deferred Date == Due Date + 1”, showing that it was deferred until 12/30.
Is this expected behavior?
If you’d like to recreate similar to what I have going on:
- Schedule a task for yesterday (in my example, 12/28), and have it repeat every day on completion
- Defer it to today’s date (ex: 12/29)
- Complete the task.
My expectation at this point is that I would have an item that is due tomorrow (ex: 12/30), which I do. But the task ALSO is already deferred to the day after (ex: 12/31), which completely breaks any flow that hides deferred items.