Just so sad about how janky OmniFocus 4 is

Just updated to OmniFocus 4 on iOS and it just makes me so sad—there are just a ton of bugs and UI jankiness that OmniFocus 3 never had. It’s been almost a year, and I intentionally waited to upgrade in hopes that things would get ironed out, but it’s really hard to be optimistic if this is what it’s still like after this long (I assume SwiftUI should shoulder much of the blame, to be honest).

I know that I should file specific bugs, etc. I’ll try to do that. But the issues feel so obvious and prevalent that I have a hard time thinking it’s just a matter of putting it on their radar. Apologies for not being more constructive here but I just needed to vent.

Well, I was an OF2 user who found OF3 to be an unusable hot mess and like OF4 much better.


Venting is good for health. Vent away, if it makes you feel better.

However, if you want to help or need help, do be clear and elaborate the issues you face(d).


I felt that way for a while, too, but I have come to like OF 4 and most of the issues I had with it are fixed.

It‘s quite stable. Does what it should. Please get more specific.