Is there a way to keep the Inbox sorted by date added?
I’m not aware of one. You can Select All and then choose Organize > Sort Once > By Date Added. There’s probably some way to automate that, but I haven’t needed to learn about automation.
Hmm… I thought there was an option to have project actions sorted, but I see now that there are no such choice.
If you have OmniFocus Pro, you can create an alternate Inbox perspective that automatically sorts actions by the date they were added (or any other criteria).
Awesome! Thanks Tim 🙂
and also sort-order matters – descending or ascending; doesn’t it!
this is not possible as of yet – or am I mistaken on this?
@sotospeak – It’s not currently possible to change the sort order. If you haven’t already, I recommend contacting Omni with this request by choosing Contact Omni from the Help menu.
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