Linking OmniFocus tasks to support materials

Does anyone have any good tips for pointing to support material from within OmniFocus? For example, if I receive an email at work on the 23 May and I need to access that email to complete a task, I will add ‘e23/5’ to the end of the task title to point me to the email (which I save in an ‘OmniFocus Support’ folder in Outlook.

Other support material could be saved in Evernote, or in a project folder on our shared server at work, or it could even be a hard copy of a document in a tray at work. I usually resort to adding descriptions to the task such as ‘see Evernote’ or ‘see Action Tray’ or ‘see Project Support’. The task titles look a bit messy and it this seems a cumbersome way of doing it.

Just curious what other users do.


I send the whole email to my omnifocus inbox with the incoming mail address, in other programs (ie evernote) copy a link to the document in the notes of the task, or just a link straight to a file from finder dragging it to the notes field.

Using airmail I have a rule that takes any starred mail in my email inbox and adds it to omnifocus’ inbox with a link to the mail that opens in airmail. I’m still trying to improve the mail workflow cause it doesn’t work properly on the iphone (no airmail to follow the link)

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