Looking for ways to automate getting actions from meeting notes in to OF

Humm, just to chime in, why not start out the meeting organization process in OF, acting on them later on during the meeting?

Nowadays, with split view and swiping to switch apps this might be the easiest way…

PhilRob - you speak much sense, and it’s the way I have worked in the past.

My interest in seeing if I can make this new way work well comes from a busy period I had a little while ago where I wa able to get back on track because I had the actions captured in the context of the meeting notes, and (and this is the critical bit) I could get to them easily - this information wasn’t in last month’s day book, and didn’t need tracking down (in this case I was able to find it in seconds using Evernote)

So if we assume I’m going through an experiment to see whether I can fully wean on to electronic notes, I’d really have the actions captured seamlessly.

The most likely outcome is I go back to paper notes (in beautiful ‘ancient copper’ diamine ink :-) ) but it’s still bugging me that this apparently simple/common task isn’t simple at all to achieve.


I continue to plug away but I suspect that learning the scripting is not something I’m going to be able to do… :-(

omnizen I have dabbled in those - I haven’t been able to get IFTT or Zapier doing what I want - WHOLE notes can be turned in to actions, but not the actions within a longer meeting note

I can def be done with zapier in the past I did something like that (thats if i fully understand). If not, have you tried workflowy / task clone?

Maybe I need to delve in to Zapier advanced options or contact their support


Zapier support have confirmed this is not possible, but that multiple triggers (zaps) from a single input file is part of the roadmap.

So it seems the answer was in this thread all the time - I’d tried everything except TaskClone and now that I have I see it works exactly as I want, rather than how I had misinterpreted a post elsewhere online. It actually works better than their own instructions imply (they say you need to remove and re-add the tag to the EN note when you append tasks - you don’t, it just works.

Finally got there, it’ll just cost me a TaskClone sub


I’m almost an all digital guy: I mostly use gadgets and not paper in most things I do. However, I’ve come to realise that my goal should be effectiveness and not quickly dump as many action items to OF in an automated way. Accordingly here are a few practices I engage in:

  • I dont use a laptop during a meeting. Effectiveness at a meeting means being present for the meeting and in rapport with other people. Having a laptop is a barrier to that (yes as an Engineer, I kicked and screamed against this idea when I first heard it. While having your laptop may make you more effective, other people who don’t use a laptop see you as not being present. They interpret your taking notes on your laptop as checking email or chatting).
  • For my notes in meetings, I use an iPad with the Jot Pro stylus simply because it is a close approximation of paper. It is not a barrier between me and other meeting participants and when I jot thing down, they can see I’m taking notes about the meeting and that often impresses on them that i’m paying attention. This builds rapport and makes my meeting more effective.
    *After the meeting, I go through the notes and process them into OF. I prefer deliberately assign tasks into OF other than automate them (exception is when i turn chapters of a book’s table of contents into tasks in Of)

Yeah 12$ Or whatever for what it does isn’t big loss in exchange for what’s gained