Mailplane Clippings Plugin

I tried dropping in the old Mailplane clippings plugin from OF1, but it doesn’t work.

It hangs for a minute then the following error message pops up in a modal:

Error executing handler script for <ScriptHandler:0x6000001114c0 com.omnigroup.OmniFocus.ScriptHandler.Mailplane3 NSBundle </Users/gtd/Library/Containers/com.omnigroup.OmniFocus2/Data/Library/Application Support/OmniFocus/Plug-Ins/Mailplane3ClippingHandler.plugin> (not yet loaded)>: Application isn’t running.

Clicking okay, the selected text does make it into the clipping dialog, but the usual email title and mail plane URL do not.

The source code is as follows:

-- Copyright 2007 Omni Development, Inc.  All rights reserved.
-- RCS_ID("$Header: svn+ssh:// 93889 2007-11-02 18:06:50Z bungi $")

on clipping(CurrentApplicationInfo, ClippingTasks)
	-- Grab Safari specific stuff
	tell application "Mailplane 3"
		set MyPageTitle to currentTitle
		set MyURL to currentURL
	end tell
	if MyPageTitle is "" or MyPageTitle is missing value then
		set MyPageTitle to "Mailplane 3"
	end if
	using terms from application "OmniFocus"
		repeat with MyTask in ClippingTasks
			tell MyTask
				set MySummary to (summarize note as rich text)
				if MySummary is "" or MySummary is missing value then
					set MySummary to MyPageTitle
				end if
				set name to MyPageTitle
				tell note
					-- Build up a prefix, inserting tail to head
					insert return & return at before first character
					-- TODO: Bundles need to be able to pass in localized values as part of their settings or some such.
					set MyHeader to MyPageTitle
					insert MyHeader at before first character
					set value of attribute "link" of style of paragraph 1 to MyURL -- We know that there is a newline since we just inserted it!
				end tell
			end tell
		end repeat
		return {CurrentApplicationInfo, {}} -- handled all the tasks
	end using terms from
end clipping

Any ideas?


It looks like Mailplane 3.1.3 or higher doesn’t need the plugin?

I have setup the System Preference’s Clipping Shortcut as per the Omni’s instructions. It works for Safari and other apps with link to the original web pages. It kinda works on Mailplane, but instead of having a link back to the original Mailplane’s message, it just copied whatever text I selected. It is not satisfactory.


While you no longer need to download the clipper, it is only working on OmniFocus v1 as far as I can tell.

So is it a bug that suppose to be fixed?

+1 for this. I have summarized the issue and emailed to make sure they are aware of it.

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+1 for this. Any idea of when will plugins be made available?

Planning to migrate to Mailmate, but it would be nice to know anyway.

but instead of having a link back to the original Mailplane’s message, it just copied whatever text I selected. It is not satisfactory.

Exactly! I use Omnifocus to reduce my workload and process my inbox. Now that the clippings plugin has stopped including a link to the email I have to search for each email I need to reply to. This adds steps back into my process, and makes the system much less effective.

Kind of heartbroken about this, I hope it’s on the list of fixes. Is anyone aware of workarounds that can generate a link to a Mailplane email?

Personally, I’d rather complete an extra step to create the link when I’m inputting into Omni rather than hoping I’m pulling the right email after the context has faded from my mind.

I also emailed Mailplane support & would encourage others to as well, so they know there’s interest.

In Mailplane you can go to EDIT—> Copy Mailplane Link. I think that is what you are looking for, but again fixing it so the Service works would be nice.

Yes, as this works as stated by celticcmr, then you can create a custom keyboard shortcut via the apple preferences/keyboard

I use this feature all the time.

This works great, thanks! In system preferences > keyboard preferences, I added an App Shortcut and the Menu Title “Save to OmniFocus” and it worked here, here’s a screen shot.