Make the Omnifocus list the default in Reminders Capture

I have migrated from ToDo (Appigo) to OF. I would like to have my Siri reminders go to OF rather than ToDo when I say “Siri, Remember to…”. Now they go to ToDo. There is a “Todo Cloud (Default)” list that I can’t get rid of.

I love this feature on iOS. Here is a tutorial that explains how to set it up. To delete the Todo Cloud list you will have to open the Reminders app and manually delete or rename the list.

I should have mentioned that the Todo Cloud list doesn’t appear in the Reminders app. The other lists do appear there and if I add, delete or change a list name it does appear or change correctly in the settings of OF.

If I understand now, Todo is still hijacking Reminders saved through Siri. This page explains how to set up your iPhone for Todo. I would expect that by undoing the steps (a key one being to delete the CalDAV account), you should return to vanilla Reminders behavior.