I’m working on a script that merges selected rows w/their notes. Everything is working properly with the exception of one issue.
When there is no ‘note’, it produces a notes field with additional ‘return’ characters in it. It makes sense why it’s doing it, I just don’t know how to make it stop.
Here’s the script:
tell front document of application "OmniOutliner"
set SibCount to (count of preceding sibling of first selected row)
set thecount to (count of selected rows)
set row_start to (index of first selected row) --skip non-selected rows
set row_end to (index of last selected row) --record last row for deletion
if thecount < 2 then
display dialog "Select rows to merge." buttons "Cancel" default button "Cancel"
end if
repeat with n from 1 to (thecount) --# of rows selected
set row_one to text of cells of first selected row --make list from first row
set row_c to 0 --change to 0 to include notes
repeat with i from 1 to count row_one --# of items (columns) in first row
set row_c to row_c + 1
if n > 1 then
set row_copy to text of cells of selected row (n + (row_start - SibCount) - 1) --make list from next row
set {l1, l2} to {row_one, row_copy} --merge list items
set newlist to {}
repeat with i from 1 to (count l1)
set end of newlist to ((item i of l1) as text) & return & item i of l2
end repeat
set value of cell row_c of first selected row to item row_c of newlist --insert merged items
if row_c is (count row_one) then exit repeat --stop at last column
end if
end repeat
end repeat
repeat while thecount is greater than or equal to 2
set theList to every selected row
delete row id (id of (item thecount of (theList)))
set thecount to (count of selected rows)
end repeat
end tell
So again, the result looks great, but if the merged cells have empty ‘note’ fields, it produces extra, unnecessary ‘return’ characters in the ‘notes’ field:
What the script does (at least for me), is it merges selected rows into one row.
So if there were three rows:
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
I’d select the 3 rows, run the script, and it would merge the three rows into into a single row:
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
It also merges the notes fields:
Row 1
(Note 1)
Row 2
(Note 2)
Row 3
(Note 3)
Into 1 row with all notes:
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
(Note 1
Note 2
Note 3)
But when the notes field is blank, it has empty lines in the notes field of the resulting row. (See screenshot). That’s not what I want, if there is no note, I wouldn’t want it to result in empty lines in the notes field.
If, as in your illustration, you’re just merging titles and notes (i.e. you don’t need to merge other columns) then how about this shorter script? Recommend testing on a duplicate document and/or removing the last repeat loop to make sure it does what you want.
tell front document of application "OmniOutliner"
set {selRows, selRowCount} to {selected rows, count selected rows}
if selRowCount < 2 then return -- do nothing if 2 or more rows aren't selected
set {mergedTopics, mergedNotes} to {"", ""}
repeat with r from 1 to selRowCount
tell selRows's item r
set mergedTopics to mergedTopics & topic & return
if note ≠ "" then set mergedNotes to mergedNotes & note & return
end tell
end repeat
set mergedTopics to mergedTopics's text 1 thru -2 -- remove trailing return
set mergedNotes to mergedNotes's text 1 thru -2 -- remove trailing return
tell selRows's item 1 to set {topic, note} to {mergedTopics, mergedNotes}
-- deletes merged rows -- remove this repeat loop if prefer to delete manually
repeat with r from selRowCount to 2 by -1 -- work up from the bottom
delete selRows's item r
end repeat
end tell
Helpful video! This version addressed the case where there are no notes.
tell front document of application "OmniOutliner"
set {selRows, selRowCount} to {selected rows, count selected rows}
if selRowCount < 2 then return -- do nothing if 2 or more rows aren't selected
set {mergedTopics, mergedNotes} to {"", ""}
repeat with r from 1 to selRowCount
tell selRows's item r
set mergedTopics to mergedTopics & topic & return
if note ≠ "" then set mergedNotes to mergedNotes & note & return
end tell
end repeat
set mergedTopics to mergedTopics's text 1 thru -2 -- remove trailing return
try -- ignore error if mergedNotes is empty
set mergedNotes to mergedNotes's text 1 thru -2 -- remove trailing return
end try
tell selRows's item 1 to set {topic, note} to {mergedTopics, mergedNotes}
-- deletes merged rows -- remove this repeat loop if prefer to delete manually
repeat with r from selRowCount to 2 by -1 -- work up from the bottom
delete selRows's item r
end repeat
end tell
Glad it’s working there. Now that it’s doing the right thing, I’m going to use it here too.
Just in case you aren’t aware, if you want to merge two sibling rows that do not have notes you can do that without a script: move the cursor to the beginning of the second row and hit control-delete.
Thanks so much for this. The more easily available ‘merge selected rows’ puts all of the text into a single line. I was looking for one that would merge rows but preserve line breaks. This does it perfectly!