Is it possible to combine multiple OO documents into one, please?
I am aware of the Window > Merge option; useful though this is, it only arranges open documents in the same window.
I want to permanently merge half a dozen .ooutline files into one, also combining - that is, not duplicating or otherwise ‘compromising’ - the styles and customizations which I have set; these are identical for all documents.
OmniOutliner has an applescript ‘import’ command which can insert one document into another. You need to specify a location within the destination document.
import to after last child
For whatever reason, it works with ‘children’ rather than the more obvious ‘rows’. Here are some simple examples that import some documents. Note that with multiple imports, the prior imports are included when determining where subsequent imports are deposited.
tell application "OmniOutliner"
-- specify files to import
set imp1 to (path to desktop as text) & "testo1.ooutline" as alias
set imp2 to (path to desktop as text) & "testo2.ooutline" as alias
-- import above into document
tell document "desto" to import imp1 to before first child -- to top of document
tell document "desto" to import imp2 to after last child -- to bottom of document
tell document "desto" to import imp2 to after child 2 -- occurs after prior imports
end tell
And here, importing a list of documents.
tell application "Finder" to set oList to (files of desktop whose name begins with "test" and kind is "OmniOutliner Document") as alias list
tell application "OmniOutliner"
tell document "desto"
repeat with iDoc in oList -- each doc to import
import iDoc to after last child
end repeat
end tell
end tell
It should maintain the text/row styles from the source document although I don’t know how it handles named styles.
Additionally, you can exercise some control over where the imports are deposited.
Here, the script imports the odd documents to the top and even documents to the bottom, leaving the original doc’s rows in the middle.
tell application "Finder" to set oList to (files of desktop whose name begins with "test" and kind is "OmniOutliner Document") as alias list
-- import docs — odd before first, even after last
tell application "OmniOutliner"
tell document "desto"
repeat with x from 1 to (length of oList)
if x mod 2 is 1 then
import item x of oList to before first child -- odd before
import item x of oList to after last child -- even after
end if
end repeat
collapseAll children -- Collapse top children
end tell
end tell
And finally, this script will take a list of files and import them in order, to after the corresponding child in the destination document and then indent them to make each level 2 (i.e. a subsection). So if you imported four documents, each would be inserted beneath one of the first four children. It works by cycling through each child id from before the import because while the child’s index may change after each import, the child id does not.
tell application "Finder" to set oList to (files of desktop whose name begins with "test" and kind is "OmniOutliner Document") as alias list
-- Import docs to after each child
tell application "OmniOutliner"
set cc to 0 -- counter to track original children
tell document "desto"
collapseAll children
set coldList to id of children -- list of document's original children
-- import list of docs
repeat with iDoc in oList -- cycle through import files
set cc to cc + 1
import iDoc to after child id (contents of item cc of coldList)
end repeat
-- cycle through newly imported children
set afterList to id of children -- all children after import
repeat with eaChild in afterList
if eaChild is not in coldList then -- indent if not original child
indent row id (contents of eaChild) -- indent newly added children
end if
end repeat
collapseAll (rows whose level is 2)
end tell
end tell
You probably want to go with the second example then. Try this:
First, make a copy of each of your files – never test automation with your only copy. Make a folder on your desktop (e.g. ‘collection’) and put the copies in there. You don’t need to open any of them. Then run this in Script Editor:
set collFolder to (path to desktop) & "collection:" as text
tell application "Finder"
set oList to (files of folder collFolder whose kind is "OmniOutliner Document") as alias list
end tell
tell application "OmniOutliner"
open item 1 of oList
delay 1
tell document 1
repeat with iDoc in (rest of oList) -- each doc to import
import iDoc to after last child
end repeat
select last child
end tell
end tell
Basically, the script does the following:
Specifies that the documents are in the folder ‘collection’ that is on the desktop
Makes a list of the omnioutliner files that are in that folder
Omnioutliner then opens the first file in the list and pauses for a second
It then cycles through the rest of the list and imports each file’s contents to the bottom of the document it just opened
Once that is complete, it collapses all of the rows and selects the last row. I include this because when you import the contents of all of the files, they will initially appear in a jumbled order but once you select something, they will order themselves visually.
A couple of caveats:
If your documents have different column layouts, e.g. one has 4 columns and another 3, then anything could happen.
Most styles and formats will carry over to the new document but font sizes may not.
You might want to test the script with two or three files rather than all seven. This would allow you to inspect the result and more easily see how the import went.