Mobile Friendly Version

I just saw that the web version has been released and I’m enthused. I used to drive my whole life from Omnifocus when I had a Mac/iPhone combination, but since moving to Mac/Android I’ve jumped between a series of lacklustre alternatives. Is there any chance that in future a version will be released that will work well on mobile? I’d dearly love it! To be honest you don’t really need all the features when you are on the go - mostly the data capture (so: inbox), and perhaps an on-the-go perspective. But you don’t have to load the whole app into the mobile window; it really can be a cut-down version. Would that be something that you would work on anywhere in the not-too-distant future?


The initial focus of OFW was to provide access mostly for Windows users who work on a notebook or desktop. Perhaps a future iteration will offer scaling to get it to work on small screen devices like tablets and smartphones. Send your vote to the Omni Group email to get your vote in.

Which email address is that?

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+1 Android version of Omnifocus For The Web that does not take a long time to load.

Have contacted OF many times by email about this.