Maybe I’m just a big dumb idiot, but am I the only one who is wondering why there are so few options for filter rules when creating a custom perspective?
I’m confused why the dropdown just lists all the things the developers think you would need to create your own perspective, but lacks the flexibility that most other macOS apps’ advanced search filters include. For example, why are there only four options for estimated time filters? Why can’t I choose to filter by “Estimated Time” then enter manually that I only want tasks that are less than 12 minutes? What if I want to see tasks that have an estimated time of under 2 hours? Right now, as I understand it, you can only choose to filter tasks via their estimated time with less than 60, 30, 15, and 5 minutes. And it seems that it’s currently impossible to filter tasks and see only ones that don’t have estimated times entered. Why is that?
OmniFocus is the only app I’ve come across that doesn’t allow you to manually set up those kinds of filters., DEVONthink, Outlook,, heck even the Spark app has more advanced and customizable search than OmniFocus does.
Please forgive my soap box, I still love and use OmniFocus daily, but it’s always befuddled me why an app like OF has such limited custom perspective options. I hate Todoist, but they’ve got very advanced custom filter options. 2Do has very customizable options as well. I guess I’ve always seen OF as an app that allows you to use it as simply or as with much complexity as you’d like / your work demands. It works wonderfully in that regard in almost every other aspect of the app – but then there’s custom perspectives… They just seem so… not custom to me.
I’d love to hear that I’m just missing something obvious, or other workarounds, but I’d also be happy to simply commiserate with fellow OF users who feel similarly. ♥️