Nested folders in Project view

This is a basic question but somehow I don’t find the switch.

I have some nested folders. In the standard Projects view / perspective, they are displayed as nested in the left column, but in the outline in the right all folders appear to be at the same level, so I cannot hide the nested folder when I close the ‘mother’ folder, as in the image I attach. Is there a way to have the outline show the nested folders structure?

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I’m not aware of any way to do this, at least not in OmniFocus 3.

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I think that the Omni developers want to avoid having an indented outline on the right that doesn’t completely show the tasks it contains. I have (only for project templates) 3 folder levels. In the case of long folder names and long project template names, I would have scrolled back and forth horizontally and would immediately send an email to Omnifocus and then complain about the necessity of scrolling. :))

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