Hello i am new to omiplan trying it out on my iPad before maybe purchasing the desktop version … i am currently using Merlin on the mac !.
I like the ipad app and the interface and the ease of use .
However i do have a problem with setting the baseline … when i set the baseline and say then increase the time spent on a task so say i have one day allowed for a task assigned and that is assigned at the time the baseline was set as the project carries on the task takes 2 days ! now when i go back to compare the origenal baseline with the new baseline yes the gant chart adjusts ok but if i go into the task and check the resource costs it only shows the current cost and not the figure set for the day on the original baseline … this means there is no way to compare the original figure set with the incresed one , so does setting the baseline only lock the gant chart at that moment in time and not any budget figures ? if so that is dissapointting as it means there is no way to track costs !. Does the baseline work the same in the standard desktop version or is it able to lock the figures in the baseline in that version ?
I am only a small business so do not need all the colobartion available in the pro version I know that in the pro desktop version there is a number of budget reporting options available but i assume i would have to upgrade my ipad version to pro as well as purchase the desktop pro version … which would be pretty expensive .or can i run pro desktop and standard iPad and have no problem with keeping them in sync ?.
Anyway any help much appriciated as i am keeping my options open as merlin although not as good to use does give lots of budget reporting options as well as gant as standard … Many thanks .
At this point in time, OmniPlan for iOS only displays baseline data in the Gantt chart. However, baseline data can be displayed in the task outline of OmniPlan for Mac. For example, if you’d like to view a task’s baseline end date, you could enable the “Planned End” date column in OmniPlan for Mac. That said, OmniPlan for Mac does offer dedicated budget functionality at this point in time, which it sounds like you may be looking for.
Yes, you can definitely run OmniPlan Pro for Mac alongside the Standard edition of OmniPlan for iOS! If you haven’t done so already, I recommend downloading the free trial of OmniPlan for Mac from our website or the Mac App Store so that you can see how OmniPlan for Mac compares with OmniPlan for iOS and Merlin.
Accepting that you’re a small business and don’t need collaboration (and perhaps have limited funds for this kind of thing), I strongly recommend that you have a look at the Mac version of Omniplan. It’s a very helpful adjunct to the IOS version, and there are some things that are much easier to do.