"Object which could not be resurrected" error on launch

Hi All,
I just upgraded to OmniFocus 3 and when I try to open it I get the error message - “Reference of object which could not be resurrected Task/mcQCHrM6SG5”
Any body know what is going on?

Sorry for the trouble! This is an issue we’re actively researching; it means we synced some task data over from another device that we’re not sure how to process. It’s inconvenient, but shouldn’t otherwise harm your database.

If you (or anyone else) encounters this problem, send an email and mention it; we’ll fast-track a response to you. We’re trying to narrow down the sequence of events that can lead to this happening so we can fix the underlying problem.

Sorry again for the trouble!

I have this same error. As my iPhone had defaulted to the default database, it means that I cannot see my REAL tasks on my iPhone - major problem