OF2 hangs everytime I have Parallels 9 running

I am running Parallels 9 desktop on my Mac to be able to run a couple of windows programs. Parallels is running Windows 7 64bit. When Parallels is running, Omnifocus will always lock up after a while. Seems to be pretty stable when not running Parallels. Sometimes Evernote for Mac will also do the same thing. None of my other apps seems to be doing this - unfortunately Omnifocus and Evernote are the two apps I often need quickly and having to force quit and start them a few times a day is quite annoying. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this, I realize it may well be a Parallels issue

We’re currently aware of an issue where OmniFocus 2 can hang when the system is under severe memory pressure, which may be caused by running memory-intensive applications like Parallels. I’m sorry for the inconvenience this is causing.

If this issue is affecting you regularly, it might help for you to get in touch so that we can ask for more details about your system, and maybe collect some diagnostics that can help us in developing a fix.

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