OF4: customize fonts?

I still use OF but really fell out of love with it due to the attitude of the UX. AND this is after being an enthusiast since v1.

Does OF4 finally allow one to customize the fonts or at least the sizes? The font sizes for the notes are waaay too small, and I don’t think they even pass the ADA standards.

Completely agree with that point of you. But, it is true too about the general interface. I’m really fond of OF, but, for the first time since I use it, I’m about to change my habits. This is exactly why: as you can see on the screenshot below, using Things 3, I’m able to zoom in and out in a large amplitude. With OF 4, the GAP between medium and big is too close.
Does anyone know if such a feature could be easily improved?
Things 3
OF 4

Omni: you’re great and make admirable tools. Could you please adjust that point?

I recommend emailing Omni with this request by choosing Contact Omni from the Help menu. These forums aren’t intended for feature requests.

I don’t understand why you can’t cope with the fonts and their formatting in the note fields. It’s really easy to use. I don’t want text formatting in the note fields. But I tried formatting the text anyway after reading your message and whoops, it works and anyone with a bit of experience with PCs/Macs should be able to do it.