Omni Automation: Append to Note on Mac


Is anyone using this on the Mac?

It works fine on IOS for me but, when I run it on the Mac, it doesn’t change the Notes field at all. I have tried with/without timestamps, and also with different line spacings.

Other Omni-Automation plug-ins are working fine so it seems to be something specific to this one and/or my local setup.

Has anyone got it working at all?

Thanks in advance

Just tested. That is correct.

You can try this (basic) version:

Save as a text file with .omnijs extension.

	"type": "action"
// Twitter: @unlocked2412

(() => Object.assign(
    new PlugIn.Action(selection => {

        // OMNI JS CODE ---------------------------------------
        const omniJSContext = () => {
            // main :: IO ()
            const main = () => {
                    promise = showForm('Enter the text to be appended to the note:')(
                    task = selection.tasks[0];

                    form => task.note = compose(

            // textField :: String -> Either String String -> Omni Form
            const textField = strTitle =>
                lrDefault => {
                        form = new Form(),
                        txtField = new Form.Field.String(
                            isLeft(lrDefault) ? (
                            ) : lrDefault.Right
                    return (

            // showForm :: String -> String -> Omni Form -> Promise
            const showForm = strTitle =>
                strButton => form =>, strButton)

            // GENERIC FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------
            // Left :: a -> Either a b
            const Left = x => ({
                type: 'Either',
                Left: x

            // Right :: b -> Either a b
            const Right = x => ({
                type: 'Either',
                Right: x

            // append (++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
            // append (++) :: String -> String -> String
            const append = xs =>
                // A list or string composed by
                // the concatenation of two others.
                ys => xs.concat(ys);

            // compose (<<<) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
            const compose = (...fs) =>
                x => fs.reduceRight((a, f) => f(a), x);

            // isLeft :: Either a b -> Bool
            const isLeft = lr =>
                ('Either' === lr.type) && (undefined !== lr.Left);

            // lines :: String -> [String]
            const lines = s =>
                // A list of strings derived from a single
                // newline-delimited string.
                0 < s.length ? (
                ) : [];

            // unlines :: [String] -> String
            const unlines = xs =>
                // A single string formed by the intercalation
                // of a list of strings with the newline character.

            // MAIN -----------------------------------------
            return main()

        return omniJSContext()

    }), {
        validate: selection => selection.tasks.length === 1

I notice that the appendStringToNote() method of a Task object is only included in the API reference on iOS, and indeed it returns an error in OF Mac.

I’m surprised it isn’t on Mac. I guess the method could be used to add text to a Rich Text note without altering the existing formatting. OF on iOS doesn’t support Rich Text notes and editing a note there converts it entirely to plain text. This is also what happens when you call appendStringToNote(), so I don’t see any difference in the result compared to changing the note directly using .note() as @unlocked2412 did in his script.

Thanks both … I tried @unlocked2412 code and it works for me, albeit without the options for date./time and line spacing, etc.

I’m afraid I’m not proficient in scripting to be able to combine the best of both but hopefully the original author on Omni-automation will pick up on this and update the source one. I’m not sure how we provide feedback via the Omni-Automation site however.

I may have a tinker with @unlocked2412 code and see if I can piece together the missing pieces when I get a few minutes.

Thanks for the prompt feedback from you both