OmniFocus 3 - Top feature requests

What I’d really like are a few changes to allow me to set perspectives up similarly to the Things UI:

  1. A ‘Today’ perspective with a Forecast-style mini calendar (even better, the option to include such a calendar in any custom perspective)

  2. More options for the Forecast perspective: only including certain contexts/projects, being able to ONLY show deferred items rather than due

This one isn’t related to Things, but it’d be insanely great to have ‘smart folder/playlist’ type options for custom perspectives. I miss this about the Schoolhouse app I used in college before discovering OmniFocus or GTD in general. (With that kind of power one could set up almost any sort of perspective they’d want.)

Basically, some UI elements from Things and some customizatization options from Schoolhouse/iTunes/Finder.

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This is one that I’ve requested many years ago to

This feature request will most likely be needed for us to use the multiple tags with and/or inclusion and exclusion (tags contains “work” but does not contain “Mac”).


I have a custom perspective for showing deferred items only. It works well for me, but I guess that it for some reason wouldn’t be enough for you.

Good point. I use iOS most of the time and I scroll past many tasks with an earlier defer date to get to the present. The groupings aren’t by days either, but as “tomorrow,” “within a week,” “later in month,” etc. I’d love to use Forecast for this to pick a date and reduce friction by only showing me what I’d like. (And being able to pick a future date to see tasks and calendar events in one place.)

A different use than mine. I can see why the Forecast view would be better for you. Let’s hope for a more flexible version of it.

For what is worth, here are my two top feature requests. Thanks for putting this thread together, great idea:

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Ability to share and sync projects with other users. I’m using reminders more and more instead of OF because it can now do that easily.

I have a previous top 3 requests…but wanted to add one.

I just came back from using Todoist for a while and LOVED the natural language input. It is far superior to anything I’ve seen anywhere. Everything from creating repeating tasks, typing in the project, priority (context i guess), etc. That is their killer feature.

Oh, and their sync seems faster/more robust.

  1. In app templating - as powerful as workflow/editorial and taskpaper solutions can be, they’re not exactly inviting you in.

  2. Simple checklists - if I have a task ‘go shopping’, I want subtasks ‘buy eggs, buy jam’ without all the bells and whistles

  3. If a project has no available tasks, allow me the option to hide it in project views

  4. At work, I’m on a PC environment. Give me web interface!

  5. Shared tasks

  6. This is the toughie to explain, but the UI doesn’t feel ‘slick’. How to fix that, I’m not sure.


My feature request:

Major need:

  1. Setting reminders to tasks (different from due date) so that they show up on particular date.
  2. Tags (which I know are coming)

Good to have:
3. Don’t show empty projects in perspectives.
4. Allow sending tasks to a folder (If the difference between tasks and projects is only that project is a task with multiple tasks - that’s why it allows conversion to project and vice versa - then why can’t tasks be sent to a folder when projects can)

  1. UI Refresh
  2. Swipe to defer to next day, next 2 days, weekend, next week, etc.
  3. Single point for adding a new task (no need for two separate “Add Tasks” buttons
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I’m adding here some that are almost on the level of a basic expectation rather than an aspirational ‘ask’ given what most basic GTD apps offer. The “must haves” that are absent rather than the “good to haves” that would be, well, good to have. Examples of “good to haves” are an ability to apply templates (say packing lists) or adding files other than photos (say a cellular bill in PDF format). But I restrict this list to the “gaps” and not my “wants” based on almost all similar offerings on the AppStore.

The gaps are:

  1. Flexible/ contextual repeat options (say every 2nd Sunday of the month).

  2. Ability to put an end date to the repeats (say repeat daily till 31st December - great for medications reminders - or every 2nd Sunday till 30th April 2018).

  3. Individual notifications to be switched on or off by task (rather than the “all or nothing” design) and “nag” options.

  4. Ability to delete all completed items in a specific project only (not to delete all completed tasks across all folders, again an “all or nothing” design).

  5. Ability to input tasks into a project from the Home Screen or Perspective rather than just to view the project.

  6. Ability to add multiple photos instead of one by one.


Numbers 1,2, and 3, and 4 were talked about as coming up in OmniFocus 3.

Read the second paragraph:

This year’s roadmap also talked about our plans for OmniFocus. About how its new sync format lets us make fundamental improvements to the data it keeps track of—enabling faster syncing of databases with large attachments, supporting multiple tags per item (replacing contexts), and improving the system for notifications and repeats. And how our iOS app can take some design cues from the Mac app to make it easier to see the information you care about and work with multiple tasks more efficiently.

Number 6 should be easier now that iOS 11 has better drag and drop support. It will hopefully be possible to have better support for multiple photos/files in the next OmniFocus.


Not must-haves, but nice to have features that I think could help spur motivation in the app:

  1. Completion pies ala Things 3
  2. A way to visualize productivity for the week, ala Todoist

Begging, literally begging, for fully functional OF web access. For those of us forced to endure Microsoft at work, this would go a long way to easing our pain. Other top requests include the usual (tags, flexible repeats etc.). Also, not doing away with the existing great functionality or over-complicating in a bid to please absolutely everyone would be good too!


I absolutely love the completion pies in Things 3. You sort of get this in Omnifocus on iOS with the dots under each project or context in those views, but it’s totally missing on the Mac version which is a total bummer for me. I like being able to quickly see how far along I am in my projects.


Honestly, the only two improvements that matter to me are flexible repeat dates and a web interface. I like to use my PC at home, and it’d be nice to be able to pull up OF without pulling out my Mac or iPad.


For me right now.i would say:

  • Better IOS navigation/design. Too much swiping.pressing. Could be much more fluid
  • redesigned forecast. On Mac it’s so cluttered. On both its not as useful as it should be. Let me view a custom perspective in line with calendar events. I want to see my whole day at a glance meaning tasks and calendar. So I want what’s due, what’s overdue, what’s starting, what’s flagged and what meetings do I have.
  • more options with perspectives. Particularly with date ranges. I feel that “due soon=” is not enough. I should be able to say show overdue and due in the next X days.
  • I find the Things “This Evening” option so incredibly useful. Would love this. So friction reducing.
  • I hate when a task with is both deferred for today and due today appears twice in tfhe forecast.
  • multiple contexts
  • UI - definitely needs an overhaul with an eye for fluidity, speed and customization. Sadly.the theme.editor for OF 2 while powerful was IMHO very cumbersome to use (Perhaps.representative of Omnifocus today)
  • Collaboration. - this would be huge for me also. Even if it was just an option to (fully) integrate reminders lists. That would be OK (for me)

These are in no particular order. But.if I had to prioritize: UI, collaboration, flexibility in perspectives (let’s say that includes multiple comtexts/tags, oh and the “This Evening” thing ;)


I would like to request one feature which would really inform me which tasks may be solved at this moment.

What I mean by that?
Some task may be done only in specific time, like in business hours. For example I would to pick up my suit from a tailor.

I would like to be able to filter my tasks by the time they are available to be really executed. In the case above this task should be displayed in my list only from 10 AM till 6 PM - in tailor’s opening hours, from MON till FRI.
In the rest of time, this task should be displayed as unavailable/not possible to be executed.

So what would be helpful? If I could exactly specify - when a specific context or specific task is available


I sent this to support as a feature request - being able to add opening/available hours to a context and they said it had been requested before, and added my request to it’s tally. I’d suggest you do the same!

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