Omnifocus 4.5 v180.1.7 on MacM2 Crashing

Twiced, in two tasks when inputting notes in the inspector, while typing the note, OF 4.5 crashed without warning. Nothing lost however.

Sorry for the trouble! That sounds like one of the bugs fixed in the current test builds of OmniFocus 4.5.1, which you’ll find here:

We’d love to know if those test builds fix the issue for you, or you can wait for 4.5.1 to ship (which should happen soon!) and let us know if you’re still seeing this.

Hope this helps!

I was able to pull 4.5.1 from the appstore.

4.5.1 seems much more stable than 4.5! Glad to see the big boss chime in. I would argue that with 4.5.1, OF4 seems to be on the LTS track. Quite timely as I decided to get back into it.

The last two things which are on my todo is to gain confirmation that when deleting by swiping left on a task all the way to hit trashcan really deletes from the database. I think it should be possible to configure this swipe to perform a drop rater than a delete/nuke.

The other super bothersome is the inability to add tasks into the inbox while keeping the newest task on top as the 1st item on the list rather than adding it to the bottom of the list. There seems to be no way to do this without doing it as a custom perspective. I wonder why this is the design behaviour. Its not really suitable when not practicing inbox zero religiously.

With this being said, OF4.5.1 is enabling much more sophisticated workflows than any other task manager and it seems odd that sorting in the inbox has never been the subject of implementation. I would want to be able to setup the inbox to keep the newest entry as the 1st entry.