Omnifocus Message URL & 3rd party email clients

I use Mailmate and clip all messages that need action to Omnifocus. The desired workflow is that I then have a link to the message in Omnifocus attached to the task itself, but clicking on the message URL (message://123456789) opens the default Mail app. It’d sure be gray if it would open it in the default mail client…


FWIW, I do this and OF2 sends me back to MailMate as expected. I know they fixed a bug a few days ago regarding using the default mail client to send feedback on OF. Maybe this was related?

What build are you using?

Make sure that MailMate is set to your default app? (I’m seeing the same thing that @nall is.

Thanks for the responses. I am using latest build (v86 r206687) as of right now and Mailmate is set as a my default mail client.

EDIT: Seems to be a system issue, as the Message URL (while I only use it in Omnifocus) DOES open up the default Mail app when clicked on from another program (i.e. “Marked”). Guess I need to figure that out, but turns out it’s not Omnifocus related.

EDIT2: It was indeed a system issue. Mailmate supports the message:// URL, but even though I had assigned it during initial setup somehow it had been unassigned to Mailmate.


May I ask how you reassigned this back to Mailmate?