OmniFocus QuickEntry Inconsistency

In OmniFocus for macOS 4.5 (v180.1.7) and OmniFocus for iOS 4.5 Pro (v180.1.2), there is a discrepancy in behavior when an entry item is marked complete within the QuickEntry editor or not.

The scenario is as follows: A project exists with a given tag associated with the project. Create an entry using QuickEntry and associate the entry with the project. Do not set any tags within QuickEntry.

The observation: If this entry is marked complete within QuickEntry, upon viewing the Completed entries’ perspective, the entry will only reference the project, it will not also include the associated tag from the project. However, if you were to not mark the entry as complete within QuickEntry, then locate the entry within the project and mark it complete, viewing the entry within the Completed entries’ perspective will properly attribute both the project and associated tag from the project.

The problem arises when a user has a custom perspective which filters on tags, the perspective may exclude certain entries from reporting (as they would only be visible within Untagged). My supposition is some preprocessing of an entry within a project is performed to assign tags, whereas this does not occur within QuickEntry when already marked complete. In any event, I did not expect this behavior. Is this the expected behavior or a bug?

I could reproduce this.