Omnifocus & Siri Watch face

I am a Apple Watch user and I would like to use Omnifocus on it. I can add it to a watch face, and I allowed it to appear on the Siri Watch face. But in the past months it never appeared on the Siri Watch face, not once. Is there an explanation for this? I use Omnifocus 3.1.8 on my iPhone 6s (with iOS 12.1.2), on my Apple Watch series 3 with Watch OS 5.1.2.

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I think Siri decides what to display, and apps you use or open on the watch are more likely to show up on the watch fact. I also think it only shows up if you have an item due, and is more likely to show up if the item is due soon.

Well yes , Siri decides, but Omnifocus never shows up on the Siri watch face, even when a task is overdue, not in any situation. When I use Things, it immediately shows up.


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