Omnifocus vs 2Do

@TheOldDesigner: I am guessing if a person’s workflow is more checklist-oriented, then 2Do might be a better fit?

But I’ve been able to create a perspective for checklists in OmniFocus that will emulate that kind of workflow. But it does take a bit of effort for newbies to figure out custom perspectives in the first place.

I’m glad to see you’ve found something that works for you.

I have always liked the idea of shifting tools when the situation demands it. I know that if my workload ever changes or I see a dramatic restructuring of my life, I would probably switch task management apps to fit my life demands.

For example, I love using ithoughts but it is a bit more than what I need. Mindnode suits me fine enough. But I know I can shift gears and return to ithoughts when I need to. Heck, I use Apple Pages more often now. But when I need to ramp up, I switch back to Microsoft word as needed.

Archiving and review dates is something that I would like to see in 2Do.

Dropbox is probably the best solution for syncing. But there are some who are wary of Dropbox security. I just received an email from Dropbox to change my password because there was a suspected data breach in 2012 with a user database that was breached. The passwords were salted but it’s only a matter of time before it eventually gets cracked, I saw a news article that recently talked about Dropbox sending emails to possible affected users. That might be why some users would rather run their own WebDAV server to keep their data on their own hard drives.

Thanks for the kind words. Notes in 2Do are allowed to be centre stage in a pop up, this prominence for me anyway makes them far more useful in that I am more inclined to use things not tucked away. A good example is n imported mail which both OF and 2Do can deal with, in OF the mail body is bottom right and seems an afterthought, in OF I would usually go back to the mail for reference. In 2Do I find myself acting on the note directly.

Again thank you. Yes certainly for some things checklists are what I need. For example setting up a CMS initially is basically a series of steps all done in one sitting so a checklist is ideal.

Dropbox mailed me yesterday re the password issue, and I decided to switch to 2 factor authorisation, but really I just store code and copy sites on there, not really interesting enough for anyone to want anyway ;)

If I recall correctly, you can go to the settings app on your iOS device and change the default notifications for most apps from the unobtrusive banner at the top to a dialogue box where you have to tap OK to dismiss it. This is a bit more annoying but does get your attention.

Thanks for the thorough insight in how you use 2Do!

I have tried making such a smartlist myself, but to no avail. Can you share with us how configured this one? I seem to be only able to filter on ‘compled today’ or ‘completed not today’, no other date ranges available for the completion date… Am I missing something?


There are a lot of filters which you need to know the syntax for:

This may help.

and this is the one I use.

“type: donethisweek AND !subtasks groups: ~”

Can you go a bit into detail (maybe with a screenshot?) how you went around this? Sequential projects is still the main gripe I had with the app. Maybe I missed something

Of course, I will try but I am beginning to think this is perhaps a bit unfair to Omni turning this into a 2Do support forum, perhaps I should set up an unofficial one for 2Do?

Anyway, let me try and document this.

Firstly I tended to use sequential lists mainly when working on a design project. For example I use a CMS called Statamic a lot, like most CMS setups there is a defined series of tasks needed to get it working. I also tend to go through the same routine when developing the pages for a site, and the SEO work once the site is done.

In OF I had a single project set up pretty much like this and saved as a template

  1. Adminstration (a sub list with a sequential list of steps)
  2. Initiate workspace (a sub list with a sequential list of steps)
  3. Set up CMS (a sub list with a sequential list of steps)
  4. Do the Coding (a couple of basic initially added to as required, sequential list)
  5. SEO stuff ( a sub list of non sequential steps)
  6. Market the site ( a sub list of non sequential steps)

This pretty much worked OK, adding stuff, particularly to the coding bit had to be done carefully otherwise it ended up at the bottom of the list when it should not have been but a review sorted this most of the time. The big problem was on an iPad the sub lists are flattened, plus the admin list has stuff some of which are at the beginning (collect deposit) and some at the end (collect balance). I really have this down to such a fine art that the tasks were pretty much reminders of what I needed to do.

where (I found) it fell down was when delays occurred, if I was waiting on a client I added it the admin area, and added it as a follow up, but this involved a lot of manual upkeep, and back checking, but in fairness it worked. Maybe there was a better way but I did not find it.

So, now in 2Do: Pretty much the same layout. I create a “list” think folder in OF terms for the project set up as follows, again a template.

  1. Administration (a project as that allows different due/start dates per item)
  2. Initial setup (a checklist incorporating 2&3 above as this can be done at one sitting)
  3. Coding work (a project for reasons in 1)
  4. SEO stuff (a checklist as no set order)
  5. Marketing (as 4 above)

Nothing is given a start or due date.

Projects and checklists are all sorted manually, a lot of admin tasks, send documents, collect deposit etc are ticked of quickly at the beginning, and 2) is done in one hit. I place admin on hold (“waiting” tag) while coding, and review all code work I need to do at least twice a week, placing start/due dates or adding things as needed. I tag all code jobs with (wait for it) “coding”, and have a smart list which shows me all tagged coding work due in next X days.

I also have a 'waiting" smart list which shows me everything which is stuck everywhere, with notes showing why. This shows paused projects or checklists as well as any stuck tasks, I use a textexpander snippet when things get stuck to add a date +3 (2016-08-30 > waiting for etc) in the title which sorts nicely and avoids having to add due dates stopping them swamping “Today”. I have a recurring task to check this list daily.

This takes no longer to administer than the OF system did, I rarely need hard due dates, but anything in any of the projects or checklists can have one assigned, and with the use of priorities (3 available) and starred items in smart lists pretty much any scenario can be shown, although so far not needed to do that.

Hope that helps :)

I have genuinely tried to switch from Omnifocus to 2Do. Biggest thing I was excited about was tagging and the elaborate smart lists system. And I think I wanted to go back to a design similar to Things.

I just couldn’t make it work, though. I tried. I really did.

The smart list system had one major flaw, which was that if anything changes (the name of lists, projects, or tags), then it breaks down. It’s because smart lists are based on search terms. They’re not linked to the abstract version of the list/tag. They’re just search terms. Which is powerful, but it doesn’t lend it self to modification. That I could deal with, though.

The shortcuts aren’t nearly as natural as Omnifocus and I found myself having to use the mouse a LOT, which seemed counter for an application with so many well thought out shortcuts! You can’t type in the name of projects in the quick entry window, for one thing, so I’m either tapping UP and DOWN a lot, or just using the mouse.

There’s also no “capture” with the quick entry window like with Omnifocus or Things. I can’t select text or a file, and then capture it into the notes with a shortcut.

In the capture window for 2Do, the TAB button doesn’t seem to move in a natural direction. It goes down through the left fields, then up through the right fields. It’s a minor thing, but it irks me every time I use it.

When you’re entering tags, its way too easy to accidentally add a new tag. I found I would create new tags instead of selecting the tag I want a large percentage of the time. If I wanted to use the “home” tag, I’d type “ho” then have to hit down, then hit enter. If I just hit enter (a pretty natural reaction), I’d create a new “ho” tag. With Omnifocus, I don’t even need to select the tag, it just autoselects the top one (which its going to be 99% of the time). Sounds minor, but when you’re zipping through adding tasks, the extra few keystrokes is really irritating.

I feel like the way 2Do manages its COMPLETED items is a little messy too. Completed items disappear immediately, which is possibly just preference (I like clearing them from view, since I might “complete” a handful at a time, review, then clear). But my bigger issue is that Projects and Checklists in 2Do keep completed tasks visible until the whole project is done.

It’s a bummer because I did love the design, but I think the balance for simplicity, mixed with some bugs (that I’m sure will be fixed eventually) just made it too difficult for me to migrate too. I bet in time it becomes a stronger piece of software (assuming Omnifocus doesn’t also continue to grow).

I’m having a similar experience - 2Do’s flexibility creates problems of its own (more work needed to get things set up) and some of it is a bit superficial - your point about name changes is a good one.

But the real killer to me is the lack of a complete, integrated sync option. If I use Dropbox, I lose Siri input and and any chance of web input (even though OF doesn’t have web input, if I use iCloud web to enter tasks into Reminders, they’ll sync over to OF on my IOS devices). Lack of Siri input is a key problem for me - I’ll often use it to capture something while I’m on the move.

iCloud sync loses key structural information; Toodledo sync loses structural information (even with a paid subscription) and Siri. I’m currently experimenting with a private CalDav sync, but I assume it has the same constraints as iCloud (the 2Do website doesn’t really offer any information on this option - I’ve emailed, but had no response as yet)

2Do does have a very attractive interface but the syncing problem is real

I can’t tell you how many hours over the past week I have thought about switching to 2Do, for the simple fact of having more flexibility. I see everyone on this thread had some kind of deal breaker but rarel sequential projects was mentioned. That to me is the biggest deal breaker. I can’t find an efficient way of tagging/staring or any other method to hit future tasks in a sequential project. The final straw was a recurring sequential project. Let’s say that project starts every Monday (no real due date). In OF the first task appears as available on Monday. The same would only be true if you set up a start list to only show (insert your work around tagging system to hide sequential tasks here). Now, you start working on the sequential tasks, “activating” them by adding a star or tag and work your way thru the project. It completes and will not recur next Monday. BUT now all those tasks are either starred or tagged which means they all now show as available. Deal breaker and too much work to manage. On the bright side, it looks like OF will be adding some features that drew me to 2do (batch editing, tagging) so now it becomes a waiting game. UNLESS one of you 2do converts has a solution to sequential projects!!!

The Productivity Show podcast recently did a series of shows on task apps.

This episode dives into trying to find the right task manager for you:

This episode focuses on OmniFocus and how to make it work for you:

This episode focuses on 2Do and some unique features that this app provides that OmniFocus doesn’t have (yet):

@mat_rhein has given the audience an idea of what he liked about 2Do but still gives praise to OmniFocus. Thank you, Matt, for the interview.

There will never be a perfect task manager for everyone. Because we all have unique demands and needs, we’ll have to explore and find the right one by ourselves. But hopefully these podcasts will give you a better idea of what to look for.

I always saw the competition as healthy and being able to serve different markets. If I had started off with 2Do at the beginning of my journey, I probably would’ve stayed there. But I’m already invested in OmniFocus and despite its warts, I can manage.

The future does look bright for 2Do and OmniFocus.


I’m confused why this is such a big issue for you. Until the task recurs, it’s out of sight. Once it does, is it such a great cognitive leap to mentally edit it to “❏ Delete obsolete recurring task”? You still don’t have to remember anything, and the effort of “managing” it amounts to hitting the delete key once.

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