Hey All,
Wanted to contribute some work I’d done in OmniJS to allow a user to build a sort of ‘animation’ out of complex OmniGraffle files. You have to structure your Graffle to use a layer as an animation frame, since at it’s core all it’s doing is turning one layer on and the previous one off. I’ve created a plugin for it, so paste this into “Animate.omnijs” in your Plugins folder and you should be able to set the following parameters by clicking “Animate”:
- Delay - In Seconds, how long between steps
*.Step Size - How many layers to increment (useful if you have a layer of description you want to increment alongside the graph layers)
I hope this helps!
“type”: “action”
function sleep(x,delay,stepSize) {
Timer.once(delay, function(timer){
function continueExecution(x,delay,stepSize) {
layerRef[layerSize-x].visible = false;
while(y<=stepSize) { layerRef[(layerSize-y)-x].visible = true; y++; }
try {
if(x==layerSize){ throw new Error("Done."); }
catch(e) {
function reset() {
while(x>=0) { layerRef[x].visible = false; x--; }
var _ = function() {
var action = new PlugIn.Action(function(selection) {
layerRef = document.windows[0].selection.canvas.layers;
layerSize = layerRef.length-2; //Legend never goes off, and count is +1 of total.
delayForm = new Form();
delayInput = new Form.Field.String("delay", "Delay", "3");
stepInput = new Form.Field.String("step", "Step Size", "2");
prompt = "Delay Time & Step";
title = "OK";
formPromise = delayForm.show(prompt,title);
formPromise.then(function (form){
layerRef[layerSize].visible = true;
layerRef[layerSize-1].visible = true;
return action;