I am trying to make this script work: http://forums.omnigroup.com/showthread.php?t=7856
set login to "mylogin"
set passwd to "mypass"
set jiraProject to "PROJ"
set jiraReporter to "a_usrname"
on jiraUserForTask(_task)
using terms from application "OmniPlan"
set assignee to resource of item 1 of assignments of _task
if assignee is not equal to missing value then
set entries to custom data entries of assignee
repeat with i from 1 to count of entries
set entry to item i of entries
set v to value of entry
if name of entry is equal to "jira-user" and v is not missing value then
return v
end if
end repeat
end if
return missing value
end using terms from
end jiraUserForTask
on syncTaskToJira(_task, entry)
using terms from application "OmniPlan"
set entryKey to value of entry
tell application "http://jira.mynetwork.com:8080/rpc/xmlrpc"
--if assignee of issue does not equal to _task
set assignee to my jiraUserForTask(_task)
if assignee is not equal to missing value then
set t to call xmlrpc {method name:"jira1.login", parameters:{my login, my passwd}}
if entryKey is equal to "C" then -- create
set issue to call xmlrpc {method name:"jira1.createIssue", parameters:{t, {project:my jiraProject, summary:name of _task, type:"3", assignee:assignee, reporter:my jiraReporter}}}
tell application "OmniPlan"
set value of entry to |key| of issue
set entryKey to value of entry
end tell
set issue to call xmlrpc {method name:"jira1.getIssue", parameters:{t, entryKey}}
end if
-- Update the effort (timetracking in Jira)
tell application "OmniPlan"
set _effort to ((effort of _task) / (60 * 60)) as integer
if _effort < 8 then
set _effort to "" & _effort & "h"
set _effort to "" & ((_effort / 8) as integer) & "d"
end if
end tell
-- Reset effort + assignee
set issue to call xmlrpc {method name:"jira1.updateIssue", parameters:{t, entryKey, {timetracking:{_effort}}}}
set issue to call xmlrpc {method name:"jira1.updateIssue", parameters:{t, entryKey, {assignee:{assignee}}}}
end if
end tell
end using terms from
end syncTaskToJira
on handleTask(_task)
using terms from application "OmniPlan"
--tell task _task
set entries to custom data entries of _task
repeat with i from 1 to count of entries
set entry to item i of entries
set v to value of entry
if name of entry is equal to "jira-id" and v is not missing value then
my syncTaskToJira(_task, entry)
end if
end repeat
set subs to child tasks of _task
if subs is not missing value then
repeat with i from 1 to the count of subs
my handleTask(item i of subs)
end repeat
end if
end using terms from
end handleTask
tell application "OmniPlan"
set _window to front window
set _document to document of _window
set _project to project of my _document
set _tasks to tasks of _project
set selTasks to selected tasks of front window
repeat with i from 1 to the count of selTasks
my handleTask(item i of selTasks)
end repeat
end tell
Seems that when the application is open and tasks are selected, script is getting data correctly, but I am not capable to connect to Jira.
Has anybody tried this script with success? Do you know if a particular permission is needed in Jira or any feature installed?
My knowledge with Applescript is limited, so any assistance regarding this matter will be really appreciated. Many thanks for your time.