I am using omniweb for last 3 years and haven’t faced any issue with omni products in the past.My omniweb is crashing over and over again. This happens if a visit a specific website(total of 5) and have turn on/off the java. And it keep on crashing, if I keep on repeating.
The solution, I have figure out is to continuously trash the preferences. And also lose all the window customization and provided shortcuts.This is a random solution, which I developed to handle the issue.First I made the backup file of plist and placed in Omniweb library folder.If I get the loop of crashing, I replace the omniweb preferences with this copy.It will restart the software by retaining the current settings.
While shutting down the system, I have to make the java enabled and mark the website safe. Somehow, it is something to do with Java (which I could not figure out) and [militarybases site][1], I am visiting. Please inform, if it is also happening with your system too or not? I am able to stop the crashing with 4 sites. Right now 1 website is still having the issue.
Update 1: I am able to minimize the error only to directory pages of that site. And also found that if the maps are not there, it would perfectly work.Removing the maps is not feasible option.
Update 2:Figured that another website has the same issue. Also, maps are the issue here.
[1]: http://militarybases.co