OO icon instead of thumbnail in Finder

This is a bit obscure, but is meant as a hint for others trying to find a fix.

Starting sometime in the near but foggy past, my OO docs started showin thumbnails. I would much prefer the old bright orange icon. It makes it far easier to find OO files in a list.

After mucking around, I finally found that by going to System Preferences > Extensions > Quick Look, I could uncheck the box for OmniOutlinerThumbnails. This returned icons to their old high-contrast orange color.

I don’t see the point in seeing the thumbnail for a document, so (in my opinion), the thumbnails a feature that should be unchecked by default.

Thumbnails for photos, movies, graphic design docs (see: OmniGraffle), or other intrinsically visual things is useful. Thumbnails for textual things is kinda pointless, as they all look about the same. Just imagine picking a book off the shelf based on what the text in the book looks like


Thank you so much for this solution. I agree completely with your points. Not being able to quickly spot a .ooutline file in the Finder slowed me down.

FWIW, at some point, my icons all turned back into the (rather worthless) document thumbnails at some point in the past… perhaps when I upgraded to Ventura.

I went to System Settings > Extensions > Quick Look and found that checking and unchecking the OmniOutlinerThumbnails setting changed the icons back to their easy-to-find, easy-to-distinguish orange icons.

Still wonder why thumbnails of text would ever be useful.