Open original message is gone?

Just downloaded and installed OF2. All my data came through, and I’m enjoying the new design. But I have scads of notes that are emails captured from Mac Mail. In OF1, there was an “open original message” link. It’s gone. Hyperventilating. Please help.

Update: newly clipped from Mac Mail messages do display the “original message” link, but the hundreds(!) that came over from OF1 don’t. This is pretty much flaming wreckage for me. :(

I’m sorry to hear about this! I think we can be of more help if you get in touch with our Support Humans directly. Would you mind shooting us an email?


Thanks, email sent.

Ah. I’ve figured it out. When there is a multi-message thread that’s been captured, OF2 produces a link for each message in a summary at the top. Instead of being labeled “original message” as I expected, each of these now uses the subject line of the individual message in question. Each is prefixed by the sender’s email address. Also a difference from the single message behavior. And the link text is smaller. And there’s no pretty right-pointing arrow like there is in the single email case. But now that I know what’s going on, at least I can make it work.

Suggest having a UX practitioner look at these differences to cleanup and standardize visual metaphors before next release.

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I’m glad you were able to figure it out! Thanks also for posting the info here, so others with the same question can find it. We’ll make sure to flag your email as a request to review this behavior.


Yeah. It’s actually a significant improvement over the v1 functionality. It’s just the mixed visual metaphors that caught me unawares.