Open recent outlines in tabs?

I’m VERY happy to see Tabs enabled in OO4.6.

I see how to open a new tab and start a new document, but what if I want to open several already-existing documents in various tabs? Right now, when I open an existing outline, it opens it ina new window.

  1. How can I open several already-existing outlines in one window?

  2. Once I have an outline window with several outlines in various tabs, how can I save that as ONE window? Right now, when I save, it saves each tab as a separate outline document.

This is the tabbed window ability for document based apps that Apple added with Sierra and required no adoption on our part. There aren’t many special abilities of this feature currently. You can have all your windows combined into one and move a tab off to a separate window. That’s about it as far as I’m aware.

I don’t know whether I’ll get anywhere responding to a four year old question, but I’ll hope that DerekM is still around. I really, really wish I could have multiple tabs. I am an old Circus Ponies user. Only thing I miss is having a “notebook” with several outlines in it. Having different outlines in tabs would be the same thing.

Not sure if I understand correctly what you would like to do, but if you simply wish to open different outlines in tabs (which certainly is very convenient), that could be done. The setting for it is systemwide, though, which was not obvious to me. But The Omni Support earlier told me to go to System Preferences: Dock. There you set ”Prefer tabs when opening documents" to "Always”.

I’m surprised to get a response on such an old topic, so thanks.
I definitely don’t want something that will change the behavior of my other applications.
To clarify, what I want is to be able to open an OO document that has different pages, or a “notebook” that has different documents. The important thing is that the pages can have different properties. One page has columns, one page is a checklist, one is a numbered list. I don’t want to have to open a separate document for each.
If you never saw Circus Ponies Notebook, it was almost the perfect app. OO is close but I’ll abandon it in a minute for an app with this feature.

Unfortunately you can’t do such things in Omnioutliner. To me, it sounds like Pages would work for some of the things you would like to do, with the left sidebar to switch between pages with different properties in a document, but I guess you have tried that and not found it good enough.

I tried Circus Ponies Notebook a long time ago, but it was far from perfect for me. Apparently we value different things in our applications.

To each his/her own, I guess. Another way to do this is to create a main Outline and place other outlines within it as links. It’s very inelegant, but it sort of works.

Just to experiment, I went into System Prefs/Dock and changed my setting for “Prefer tabs when opening documents” to “Always”. I love it. I can now have all the open outlines I want in one window, just in separate tabs. And if I want to have two outlines side-by-side, I just drag the tab for one outline onto the desktop, and there they are, side-by-side.

As for the objection that this is a system-wide change, and will affect other apps: I love it in those apps, too. Let documents open up in tabs - it reduces clutter, and if you really want them side-by-side, just drag them out.

YMMV, but for me, this is very easy, very clean, very useful.


For those who don’t want to change the whole system setting, you can set “Prefer tabs when opening documents” for only OmniOutliner with this terminal command:

defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniOutliner5 AppleWindowTabbingMode -string always

To revert it:

defaults delete com.omnigroup.OmniOutliner5 AppleWindowTabbingMode

But this doesn’t really give you what Circus Ponies Notebook had. I wish there was a way to bind a whole collection of OO documents into one notebook, so you could for example search the whole thing at once, and have a table of contents for it, etc., but still be able to have different pages open in separate windows.