"outdent" bug after 5.13.1 update - anyone else encountering this? [solved: outdented row out of focus]

Just updated to 5.13.1. Having a major issue and wonder if anyone else is experiencing it where outdenting to the top level deletes the rows instead of outdenting it.

More detailed explanation:

If I have an outline like this:

Level 1 Title

  • NOTE A (level 2)
    • sub note A (level 3)
  • NOTE B (level 2 note)
    • sub note B (level 3)

And then I decide I want to outdent Note B to make it a level 1 note…

If I do “shift + tab” or "cmd + [ " to outdent, rather than outdenting Note B, Omnioutliner just deletes it and its children!

So after outdenting the outline should look like this:

Level 1 Title

  • NOTE A (level 2)
    • sub note A (level 3)

NOTE B (now level 1 note)

  • sub note B (now level 2 note)

But now after this update it looks like this with Note B and its children deleted:

Level 1 Title

  • NOTE A (level 2)
    • sub note A (level 3)

Is anyone else encountering this?

Can you send a video or GIF ?

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Welp you helped me solve it!

I opened a new file to make a screen recording, but the issue wasn’t happening. Went back to old file and the issue WAS happening.

Finally compared the two windows, and realized the window with the issues had some sort of “Focus” mode turned on in the top right.

When I was outdenting, I was taking it out of the “Focus” zone, making the rows vanish and seem like they were getting deleted.

Turned off the Focus mode and all is well.

I’ll leave this up in case anyone else is making the same goofy mistake!

Glad to hear that the issue is not present anymore !