Perspective Defer within X Days

I’ve had a look and can’t see anything, but I was wondering if there was a way to set a perspective to include items that are deferred until tomorrow?

The reason for this is that I like to plan my next day’s tasks in the evening, so I can go straight to work the following morning. So at the moment, at the end of the day, I look through a perspective that shows all my available tasks, and I go through and flag them as needed, but if there is an item deferred till the following day, I won’t see it on that list, as it is obviously not available yet. It would be great to add an ‘or deferred until tomorrow’ filter to that perspective, so I can see them when I plan my day.

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It isn’t possible to include only the items that are deferred until tomorrow, because custom perspectives don’t support rules based on specific date ranges.

There is however a ‘Has a defer date’ rule. I use it in my ‘Deferred’ perspective which I use like you describe to plan the next few days, as well as look ahead to items which will become available.

Here is how I have set it up:

The main aspect is that I include actions which are remaining but not available, which excludes actions which had a defer date in the past and are currently available. I also exclude actions and projects which I have explicitly set to on-hold (and some folders with unimportant things). You might want to also exclude projects and action groups that have a defer date by using the ‘Is not a project or group’ rule.

The results are grouped by Defer Date, which will display groups for ‘Tomorrow’, ‘Within the next week’, ‘Within the next month’, etc. When you plan for tomorrow, you can open this perspective in another tab or window and look at the ‘Tomorrow’ section.

This works well for me, but date range-based rules in custom perspectives would be a fantastic addition to OF!

Yeah this is what I’ve been doing, but it would definitely be nice to be able to have it all within one ‘planning’ list. I might drop Omni an email as a feature request…

I wasn’t able to get OmniFocus to do this for me so I resorted back to my BuJo to help plan the next day and week.

It was the path of least resistance but it allowed me to invite analog back into my life. I use OmniFocus as my second brain remembering all the projects and tasks. Then I use my BuJo as my daily driver…

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