Hey y’all. I’ve searched for this but all the threads seem quite old. I’d love to have a perspective that shows items deferred to today AND due today (without a deferred date as well.
I typically organize things around deferred dates, but there are some things that are only listed by due that I’d love to see in the same window…
I think this is what you’re looking for. The availability is set to “Remaining”, so it will include items that are deferred to today but won’t become available until later in the day in addition to items that are already available. Change availability to “Available” if you only want to see things that are currently available.
A variation on this perspective includes remaining items with a defer or due date before today. In other words, it includes items that became available before today and those that are overdue, in addition to items that are deferred and/or due today.
I hope this helps!
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Tim - thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I can’t seem to figure out how to add modifiers to defer or due. The three dots only show delete or disable. I’m sure I’m missing something but can’t figure it out.
You’re very welcome, @flyingdesigner.
You can’t add a modifier to the “Has a defer date” and “Has a due date” rules. Instead, add “Has date in range” rules and choose the date property you want to filter on and the parameter(s).

p.s. My Custom Perspectives for OmniFocus page on Learn OmniFocus includes a growing library of custom perspectives you can use as is or as a starting point for your own custom perspectives.
Thanks so much! Worked like a charm. And thanks for the additional resources which I will be sure to check out.
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