Procedure to setup an OmniFocus self hosted server on Raspberry Pi

I have a Raspberry Pi with a running apache2 server.

This is what I’m doing to add an OF server to it:

  1. Adding a folder (say “omnifocus” to /var/www/html/)

  2. Changing write permissions to the folder using “chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/omnifocus”

  3. Restarting apache2 after adding password, username to the omnifocus page

  4. Trying to access it from the app using the address: http://localip/omnifocus (The page is accessible from the browser)

This is where I get an “Error 405, method not allowed”.

The exact error is this:

Unable to perform WebDAV operation.

The 192.168.x.x server returned “method not allowed” (405) in response to a request to “PROPFIND /omni/OmniFocus.ofocus”.

I realise official support is unavailable for this, so I’m asking in the forums. If you could point me in a general direction to resolve this, it would really help me out.


(I have access to OF 2 on all 3 platforms, iPhone, iPad and OSX)


Made a huge mistake (obviously). All working fine now. Thanks!

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Does it can work well now?
I also want to use Raspberry to sync datebase.

Been using it for 2 years now with WebDAV. Works brilliantly. Sync works perfectly and fast.

OK thank you

This sounds intriguing to me - as a new Pi owner. Can you tell me what you learnt (or even just the error you got over)?