Really hard to rearrange tasks on OmniFocus for iOS

Since force touch was replaced by haptic touch, I find it really hard to rearrange tasks on iOS. If I tap on a task and try to move it, I get the pop-up contextual menu. This happens all the time, whether it be reordering tasks in a project, or trying to move items to another date in the “Forecast” view. Has anyone else found a solution to this? The CM popup is rarely what I want, but it’s always what I get.

It’s way easier to arrange tasks in Reminder or Things, for example; they’re not as quick with the contextual menu.


I find similar, it seems to be worse on devices that have Haptic Touch than than those without.

I’ve found that if you ignore the CM and move the task away from it (i.e. if the CM is below the task then move the task up) then it usually switches into move mode.

I agree, I miss the move handles. It doesn’t seem to work consistently.


The CM is sometimes annoying, I agree. What I do when I have to rearrange a lot of items I press “edit” and select the item, then press and move. It seems to suppress the CM.


What omnifocus need is swipe with feedback tattile for reschedule due long swipe for reschedule defferred date and select with swipe from the right!

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