Reminders before due time

Is there a way to set a reminder, lets say 15 mins/30 mins/hour, before the due date? Say I need to be at the Drs. at 3:30pm and it is an hour away from work. I want it to remind me at 2:30 so I can get their on time. Or do I just need to set the reminder at 2:30pm and put that the appt is at 3:30 in the info?

Thanks for any help.


I have this same question.

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If you set the defer date to be, in your example, “today 2:30 pm,” OF will give you a notification when that time comes. That may depend on how you have Notification Center set up in your System Preferences.

That said, I really recommend putting this type of thing in your calendar and putting your alarm there.


I don’t think so.
OF is based on GTD. In GTD, a scheduled doctor appointment goes to a calendar (app since we are talking about digital stuff). Appointments with a hard date theoretically shouldn’t go to OF.
On calendar you set as many alarms you wish.

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For me, this comes down to one simple thing I wish omnifocus did, and that’s notify me when a deferred item becomes available. If this was possible, then it would address this type of issue for me where I need to know when I can start a task even if it’s not yet due.