It is a time specific topic, so looking at Forecast would not be wrong.
I personally would decide if there‘s a certain day I want to/have to do it. Then work with defer (beginning of the week) and a due date (end of the week). Finally, I‘d usually notice it via Forecast perspective. That‘s what I look at at least once a day.
Not set as DUE probably because this task (cleaning screenshots regularly) is not really that important compared to a writing report which has to be ready at a definitive date.
Well, I have to see how it works and test it, I’ll report back on it.…
I don’t understand your problem. I have many tasks that repeat in certain rhythms (rather unimportant ones), such as descaling the espresso machine, refilling the heater with water, watering the plants, saving the iCal data as an ics file… and so on . All repeat tasks get a defer date and repeat themselves in different rhythms. I display these tasks in my Today perspective, in addition to important tasks (with due dates) and flagged tasks and tasks tagged with “@Today”. Where is your problem?
Not 100% sure what you are looking for, but have you tried using the forecast tag feature, could use a tag like “next” and set your forecast view preferences to show that? And combine that with your defer date. so when that day comes round you will have that show up in your forecast from the defer date forwards.
Check the project type of the parent project also, if it is parallel, sequential or single action, this can change what is filtered with “first available”.