Repeating a project list immediately upon completion of last task

I have set up a project “Booklet”. Nested inside are 3 projects related to Booklet. “Booklet Nested1”, “Booklet Nested2”, “Booklet Nested3” I have a dozen or so tasks nested inside Booklet and the additional 3 nested project components.

I access the Booklet project intermittently throughout a month and sometimes more than once in a single day. When the last task is completed the project is completed until I start a new booklet.

I have been unable to configure things so that when the last task is completed the entire project regenerates.


Make the project itself a repeating project?

You’ll have to elaborate. Everything in the repeat section (v3) shows increments of hour/day/week/months/years. There is a setting as well for completion and assigned dates. As opposed to complete when complete and reset.


Did you look at the option to “Complete with last action”? You could have the project simply repeat 1 hour after completion.


Thank for that. I do have Complete with the last action checked for the “mother” project in which all are nested. Didn’t seem to help. In any event in the event that I do want to do one booklet after another, I’d rather not have to wait an hour or fiddle with settings to reset everything. I just assumed that upon last completion there would be a way for the entire thing to regenerate. No?

The closest I’ve been able to come with this sort of thing is to make a template project (it’s a packing list for travel) that is set inactive. When I need to travel, I copy the project and change its status to active. When I’m done I just delete the copy. If I think of additional things to add I put them in the template project.

I’d like to see something like a checklist behavior that could be easily reset for repeated use, which sounds like what you’re after, but they don’t offer anything like that.

I’d like to see this too. Today, I came up with this solution. Maybe there’s a better way of achieving this, but anyhow…

Create a Parallel Project with the following settings:

  • Complete with Last Action
  • Repeat Every 1 Year
  • Schedule The Next: Defer Until Date

Then I added all of the items, and when they were completed, the project and all of the tasks were deferred to a year ahead.

As I need to complete this task list at irregular intervals, but more often than once a year (e.g. a ‘going away’ list - yes, I am still of the view that I may be able to travel again in this lifetime), when it’s time to complete the list again, I will change the defer date to today and then use the list once more.

Not as elegant as it could be. I think it would best if OF3 had an option for projects that will be repeated someday.


Hi All -> I too wanted to get this exact set up for daily time block activities that I wanted to basically reset after they were completed.

The only way I could find to get it to happen was by grouping the set of tasks under a ‘group task’ (as a sub-set of tasks within a task, within the project), and then have that set to repeat one minute after completion.

There is no way of setting this for a project as far as I can see but this method was suggested by David Sparks on his ‘MacSparky Field Guides - Omnifocus Course’ ( so I would say it is the best method to do this. If anyone would be the authoritative voice on knowing this sort of thing, it would be him (or Rosemary Orchid).

P.s. They have a Podcast called Automators which is a huge resource for this exact type of topic, worth a listen!!!

CleanShot OmniFocus -Projects - Wednesday

bro share it if u find sth