Request : Siri Capture from Multiple Lists

This is more a feature request than an issue.

I realize I can create a specific Reminder list on iOS and use Siri to add tasks to that list, and using the Reminder Capture option, capture them into OF.

What I’d like however is the ability for the Capture to work across multiple lists. Reason being I use MindNode to create tasks within the MindMaps and it creates a Reminder list per MindMap. So it would be great to be able to select the Reminder lists I’d like OF to capture, rather than just a single one.

Hope thats clear!

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I agree!

I tried the procedures outlined on this support page.

But my tidy mind wanted these Siri-captured tasks into their own list, namely ‘OF List’.

I just could not get that to work:

I did create ‘OF List’ - both in iOS’ and OS X (10.11.4)’ Reminders.

What happened, though, was that - even though such a list (in Reminders) did exist, Siri kept asking if I wanted to create a list, ‘OF List’.

Regardless of what I did (decline Siri’s suggestion, accept it, pre-create the list I wanted), I could not get OF tasks created in this way into the list I wanted.

Still love OF, of course (!) but if this were ever revisited, it would add yet another useful feature.

Overall I find it works great, I just want to be able to capture reminders from multiple lists.

You guys would better email the Omni Staff: the only official way for either feature or support requests.

Thanks, I’ve done that too :)

I finally got it working - well.

I let Siri create the list, on my iPhone, in Reminders.

And used the words ‘Add…’ rather than “remind me to…”

But the Siri-created list in iOS hasn’t appeared in my DeskTop Reminders.