ScottyJ's "deturbulance" Theme

Hi folks!

With the (at least beta) launch of OF theming, I thought (well, @poritsky suggested it, but it’s a great idea) it would be cool to collect all the OF themes people are making in a common thread.

Update: I have updated this theme to v1.1, which contains a few fixes:

  • Better colour indicators in sidebar for due soon/due
  • Lightened note icon alpha for reduced visualimpact
  • Maybe a few other minor things? I’ve been tinkering a lot.


My (updated) theme is here, and the older version of it has been removed.

The intent was to simplify the interface with white backgrounding, slightly darker reds, yellows, and oranges for due, dues soon, and flagged respectively, and, perhaps most importantly, hide all placeholder metadata when fields aren’t filled (you can still hover to see, though).

Would love to see what others have made!




I always found those placeholder labels in empty fields extremely distracting and your theme nicely fixes this issue, so thank you very much for that!

Is there maybe a way to do the same with the symbol for empty notes fields, so that only the darker notes symbols for items that actually contain notes are visible?

It doesn’t appear so, unfortunately. I’m working on an updated version that fixes a few things in forecast, but it seems the best I can do is lighten the outlines a little, though that may just be enough for me. :)

I’ll post (along with a screenshot this time) an update for the theme in the next few days. Thanks for the support, @parahippocampus!


Just a quick bump and to notify folks that the Deturbulence theme has been updated here.



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Thanks for sharing! BTW, how do you achieve “metadata is 0% alpha except on hovering”? And does it mean it’s invisible always except on hover? Does it include a Note icon?

@yurkennis Metadata like project, context, defer, and due are blank unless you hover or unless they contain data. In this was, you don’t have to see a column’s worth of “Defer” if there’s no content.

To achieve this, I set “Content: metadata text (Placeholder)” to white with 0% opacity.

Interested in your feedback on how this could be improved!



@deturbulence That’s really beautiful!

What I really miss now is how to hide a note icon for those actions that don’t have, keeping it only for a note-having actions. Anyone succeeded in acheving that?

Thanks of sharing this, @deturbulence! It’s lovely.

Yeah, I don’t think that’s possible, at least not without hackery. Metadata has various states defined in keys (placeholder, normal, hover, pressed, strong), but note just has one, and flag doesn’t have any. I would love it if someone could sort that out, though! And flag, too!

Thanks, I’m glad you like it!

Just emailed to ask for that. Please join me in doing so.

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I just emailed them the feature request and I highly encourage everyone to do the same. These customization options go a long way toward making OF2’s task list less cluttered and distracting.

If you are unsure how to phrase it, just request separate color settings for the “note exists” icon and the “note does not exist” icon in the style template file.

…even better! Well done! Thanks again!

[quote=“parahippocampus, post:26, topic:23700”][quote=“yurkennis, post:25, topic:23700”]Just emailed to ask for that. Please join me in doing so.[/quote]I just emailed them the feature request and I highly encourage everyone to do the same. These customization options go a long way toward making OF2’s task list less cluttered and distracting.
JFYI: I needed to explicitly ask to consider it “a request specific to styles”–and after I did so, I just received that my suggestion was “filed as a new request”. So please make sure that yours is also considered in relation to styling, not as a more general (and older) request “allow users to hide note icon” (which imho has less chances to be implemented).

EDIT - Nevermind. Figured it out. Somehow the theme was not properly selected. Basic user oversight. :-)

@deturbulence - I just installed your theme and am loving it. Thanks for the work and for sharing!

One thing… my placeholder labels (unpopulated fields) are not hidden as in your screenshot and description. Maybe I’m missing something simple to get that to work?

I haven’t delved into the theme editor, but let me know if you have any thoughts as to why it might be different on my end. I’m running OF 2.5.3


@devynosborne Glad it all worked out! I’d love to know what you think.

