I’ve seen scripts to change review frequency by active/on hold and review date by review frequency.
But I’m trying to write a script that will change the review interval based on the folder containing the project.
For example, I have the following folder structure:
- Big 3
- Active
- Pending/On Hold
- Big 3
- Active
- Pending/On Hold
I basically want a script that does the following (I’ll say it in English for now)
- For each project that is active or on hold in the database
– If project is contained by a folder called “Big 3”, then change review interval to every 1 day
– If project is contained by a folder called “Active” change review interval to every 3 days
– If project is contained by a folder called “Pending/On Hold” AND project is Active, change review interval to every 1 week
– If project is contained by a folder called “Pending/On Hold” AND project is On Hold, change review interval to every 2 weeks
This doesn’t seem like it would be too difficult. Is there an apple/omniscript function that
(a) checks all projects in OF (would this be a “for” function?)
(b) checks to see if a specific project’s folder (container?) is called “X”?
My goal is to run the script during my shutdown routine (or even better, auto run every day at 3pm). My purpose is to make the Review more useful and cut out the fat on all my project/Areas of focus categories.
The result being that I can change the project status by moving it up and down the folder as it gains or loses priority. The script ensures that the Review intervals are in keeping with the project priority, which is defined by the containing folder.
I’ve tried using flags and tags to do project priority, but I don’t like how OF tasks inherit, or sometimes don’t inherit, tasks and flags from projects.
Many thanks if you can provide some ideas on the functions I might use to figure this out.