Script To Export .mpp

I’m looking for info on how to set up a script which can be automated to export OmniPlan schedules to .mpp format.

I am the only one in my PMO using Omniplan and my extended project teams are used to working with MS Project. I know you can manually export to .mpp format, but I was looking for an automated script that I can have run daily to export to a shared directory where team members can pull schedule information as needed.

Any help is appreciated.

@mcescher There are a couple way you could do this! The simplest is setting up a publishing action to publish your project to a Microsoft Project file. With this set up, all you’ll need to do is click “Publish” in OmniPlan to export the file. More information about setting this up is available here:

Alternatively, you could write a script for this workflow. OmniPlan 3.13 for Mac introduces support for automating actions via JavaScript, and there’s information available here on automating export via that functionality:

If you’re interested in testing this out, test builds of OmniPlan 3.13 for Mac are available for download here: