Script - to have column which automatically creates hyperlink for that row note

Hi guys!

I work between omnioutliner and other software such as Tinderbox. I would LOVE to have automation in OO to create a column which then generates its own clickable hyper link for that row note. This would be so helpful becuase…then…

when I export OPML to tinderbox, the URL will be available for that row note and when clicking that URL in Tinderbox open OO at that exact point 👍

I know that I can right click the note in OO and then ‘create link’ and then paste it into a column next to it - but when working in such long documents this is totally impractical … so a solution would be really well received!


Student.with.ambition. :)

I’d really love to see that, too. Is there anybody who could at least consider to look in and help on this?

Not sure what you’re trying to automate. How would you determine which row you would be creating a link for, or do you mean for every row to have a link in the new column? And what element of a document is actually meant by ‘row note’ here?

As an aside, I don’t think that row links will open a document. Unless the document is already open, you’ll get a ‘doc not open or row deleted’ error.