Seeking an automation

I’ve tried several automation add-ons to do the following, but none work this way, apparently.

I want to click a button in the tool bar to set the defer date to be 1 day from NOW, not add 1 day to the existing defer date. Also want same for 1 week from now.

Try this. Adds one day to defer date of selected tasks.

Run it in Script Editor setting language tab to JavaScript.

(() => {
    'use strict';

    // OMNI JS CODE ---------------------------------------
    const omniJSContext = () => {
        // main :: IO ()
        const main = () => {
                seln =[0].selection.tasks
            return => {
                return (
                    x.deferDate = addDays(1)(
                        new Date()
        // GENERICS ----------------------------------------------------------------
        // JS Basics ---------------------------------------------------
        // addDays :: Int -> Date -> Date
        const addDays = n => dte => {
            const dte2 = new Date(dte);
            return (
                dte2.setDate(n + dte.getDate()),

        return main();

    // OmniJS Context Evaluation ------------------------------------------------
    return 0 < Application('OmniFocus').documents.length ? (
    ) : 'No documents open in OmniFocus.'

On my side I used an old AppleScript script that I found on the net by Dan Byler:


	This script takes the currently selected actions or projects and sets them for action tomorrow.
	**IMPORTANT: Now has two modes: "Start" mode and "Due" mode. Start mode is for people
	who use start dates to plan for the day; Due mode is for people who use Due dates for the same.
	It is now my opinion that Start dates are more useful for day-to-day planning, but this script is 
	intended to provide flexibility in whatever system you use.
	By default, this script will now set start dates, but you can change this in the settings below.**

	For each item:
		- If no original due date, sets due to tomorrow at the set time

	For each item:
	-	If there's no existing due date: sets Due to tomorrow (at time specified in script settings)
	-	If there's an existing due date: sets Due to tomorrow at the *original* due time
	-	If there's an existing due date AND start date: advances start date by same # of days as due 
		date (this is to respect parameters of repeating actions)
	-	Ignores start date if there's no due date already assigned to a task
	Copyright � 2011-2020 Dan Byler (contact:
	Licensed under MIT License (
	(TL;DR: do whatever you want with it.)


	-	Updated for OmniFocus 3; removes Growl support; other small improvements

	-	Fixes an issue when running with certain top-level category separators selected
	-	Minor update to notification code

	0.42 (2015-05-17)
	-	Use Notification Center instead of an alert when not running Growl. Requires Mountain Lion or newer

	0.41 (2011-10-31)
	-	Updated Growl code to work with Growl 1.3 (App Store version)
	-	Updated tell syntax to call "first document window", not "front document window"

	0.4 (2011-08-30)
	-	Rewrote notification code to gracefully handle situations where Growl is not installed
	0.3 (2011-07-07):
	-	New setting: "Start" or "Due" modes (see above)
	-	No longer fails when a Grouping divider is selected
	-	Streamlined calls to OmniFocus with Rob Trew's input (Thanks, Rob!)
	-	Reorganized script for better readability

	0.2c (2010-06-22)
	-	Actual fix for autosave

	0.2b (2010-06-21)
	-	Encapsulated autosave in "try" statements in case this fails

	0.2 (2010-06-15)
	-	Added performance optimization (thanks to Curt Clifton)
	-	Fixed Growl code (broke with Snow Leopard)
	-	Switched to MIT license (simpler, less restrictive)

	0.1: Initial release. Based on my Defer script, which incorporates bug fixes from Curt Clifton. Also uses method that doesn't call Growl directly. This code should be friendly for machines that don't have Growl installed. In my testing, I found that GrowlHelperApp crashes on nearly 10% of AppleScript calls, so the script checks for GrowlHelperApp and launches it if not running. (Thanks to Nanovivid from and Macfaninpdx from for the information needed to get this working


	-	Copy to ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Omnifocus
 	-	If desired, add to the OmniFocus toolbar using View > Customize Toolbar... within OmniFocus

	-	When the script is invoked from the OmniFocus toolbar and canceled, OmniFocus returns an error. This issue does not occur when invoked from the script menu, a Quicksilver trigger, etc.

--The following setting changes script mode. Options: "start" or "due" (quotes needed)
property mode : "start"

property showSummaryNotification : false --if true, will display success notifications
property deferHour : 6 --Start hour for items not previously assigned a start time (24 hr clock)display notification alertText with title alertTitle
property dueHour : 17 --Due hour for items not previously assigned a due time (24 hr clock)

-- Don't change these
property alertItemNum : ""
property alertDayNum : ""

on main()
	tell application "OmniFocus"
		tell content of first document window of front document
			--Get selection
			set totalMinutes to 0
			set validSelectedItemsList to value of (selected trees where class of its value is not item and class of its value is not folder and class of its value is not tag and class of its value is not perspective)
			set totalItems to count of validSelectedItemsList
			if totalItems is 0 then
				set alertTitle to "Script failure"
				set alertText to "No valid task(s) selected"
				display notification alertText with title alertTitle
			end if
			--Perform action
			set successTot to 0
			set autosave to false
			set newDate to (current date) - (time of (current date)) + 86400
			if mode is "start" then
				repeat with thisItem in validSelectedItemsList
					set succeeded to my setStartDate(thisItem, newDate)
					if succeeded then set successTot to successTot + 1
				end repeat
			else if mode is "due" then
				repeat with thisItem in validSelectedItemsList
					set succeeded to my setDueDate(thisItem, newDate)
					if succeeded then set successTot to successTot + 1
				end repeat
				set alertTitle to "Script failure"
				set alertText to "Improper mode setting"
				display notification alertText with title alertTitle
			end if
			set autosave to true
		end tell
	end tell
	--Display summary notification
	if showSummaryNotification then
		set alertTitle to "Script complete"
		if successTot > 1 then set alertItemNum to "s"
		set alertText to successTot & " item" & alertItemNum & " set to tomorrow." as string
		display notification alertText with title alertTitle
	end if
end main

on setStartDate(selectedItem, newDate)
	set success to false
	tell application "OmniFocus"
			set originalStartDateTime to defer date of selectedItem
			if (originalStartDateTime is not missing value) then
				--Set new start date with original start time
				set defer date of selectedItem to (newDate + (time of originalStartDateTime))
				set success to true
				set defer date of selectedItem to (newDate + (deferHour * hours))
				set success to true
			end if
		end try
	end tell
	return success
end setStartDate

on setDueDate(selectedItem, newDate)
	set success to false
	tell application "OmniFocus"
			set originalDueDateTime to due date of selectedItem
			if (originalDueDateTime is not missing value) then
				--Set new due date with original due time
				set originalDueStartDate to originalDueDateTime - (time of originalDueDateTime)
				set theDelta to (newDate - originalDueStartDate) / 86400
				set newDueDateTime to (originalDueDateTime + (theDelta * days))
				set due date of selectedItem to newDueDateTime
				set originalStartDateTime to defer date of selectedItem
				if (originalStartDateTime is not missing value) then
					set newStartDateTime to (originalStartDateTime + (theDelta * days))
					set defer date of selectedItem to newStartDateTime
				end if
				set success to true
				set due date of selectedItem to (newDate + (dueHour * hours))
				set success to true
			end if
		end try
	end tell
	return success
end setDueDate


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